i'm surprised he lets anyone tell him what to do - he must of been feeling that warm glow of love after his putty card came, and woke him up from his nuclear wet dream

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i notice they didn't grab it when it could grab back -

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me thinks the trumps skim way more than that -

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I do not doubt they don't. And I am not disparaging their talent, also , btw, and incidentally. I was thinking they need Ted Nugent to ower this event to the disaster it is.

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I read something about that. You think the kid would have enough respect for her sister not to sing at a Republican event. I hope she at least has the decency to say "this song is dedicated to my trans sister, I hope you fuck weasels can leave her alone."

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here it is, still gives me the feels


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that's a good story.

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I think there's some sort of line you cross when you start using cancer kids to push your grift.

Donald Trump (and Donald, Jr. and Eric), Have you no shame?

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If nothing else, that technique guarantees a good chance he'll bomb the shit out of the Pacific Ocean.

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Yay! That means the Dakota Territories gets two fewer Senators!

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A Muslim comedian ended up seated next to Eric Trump on a flight. He said, "No way in hell I'm taking part in some fucking registry."

Eric's response? "Don't worry. We're not going to do that."


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Unpossible! Such a person does not exist. Also, emails!

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Shit. Direct. To the point. What more o you need?

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Hey, it's a college landlord. If they didn't do that, they'd get in trouble with their labor union.

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It takes a bit extra to type, but I always go with Fuckface von Clownstick.

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No, they don't.

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