I hate Trump too, but focusing all our derision on Trump is what most other Republicans are hoping we do. They want us forget their role in this mess while they slip out of the side door. Fuck that. Trump is only a symbolic totem of the deep corruption running through the entire conservative movement.
Well, the whistle blower is said to be an official of an intelligence agency, and John Bolton is disqualified, being on record as saying, on national TV, that Abraham Lincoln did not appoint a team of his rivals, and men who were rivals to each other, to his war cabinet. The moment I saw that clip I thought that Bolton is 1) stupid, 2) ignorant in crucial areas, but not dumb in others, 3) a cynical liar, or 4) all of the above, but it did leave an impression that he's kind of an an idiot. To contradict every history written about the Lincoln cabinet since 1865, is pretty fucking stupid. So, My view of Bolton, based on years of watching that douchewhistle bloviate on TV, is that he's not going to lead the charge on Trump, being not a hero in any sense of the term, but he is perfectly willing to knife Trump in the back before a House committee. On balance, I would have to nix Bolton as the WB. That takes courage.
He was jerking off, achieving sweet release while watching Russian bombers blasting Syrian targets. All the while crying, "It coulda been us, why can't I ever start a fucking waaarrrrr?!!???"
I hate Trump too, but focusing all our derision on Trump is what most other Republicans are hoping we do. They want us forget their role in this mess while they slip out of the side door. Fuck that. Trump is only a symbolic totem of the deep corruption running through the entire conservative movement.
Obligatory https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Well, the whistle blower is said to be an official of an intelligence agency, and John Bolton is disqualified, being on record as saying, on national TV, that Abraham Lincoln did not appoint a team of his rivals, and men who were rivals to each other, to his war cabinet. The moment I saw that clip I thought that Bolton is 1) stupid, 2) ignorant in crucial areas, but not dumb in others, 3) a cynical liar, or 4) all of the above, but it did leave an impression that he's kind of an an idiot. To contradict every history written about the Lincoln cabinet since 1865, is pretty fucking stupid. So, My view of Bolton, based on years of watching that douchewhistle bloviate on TV, is that he's not going to lead the charge on Trump, being not a hero in any sense of the term, but he is perfectly willing to knife Trump in the back before a House committee. On balance, I would have to nix Bolton as the WB. That takes courage.
you'd think people who live in glass houses would realize the walls are transparent.
That's because Donnie Two-Scoops is a coward and all the kids know it.
Fuck ... You just made my argument in under 30 words. Damn you! Damn you, sir or madam!
Beware of spilled tea
Let me close this screen door first...
He's a Good Guy in comparison.
Then they can do so quickly, easily, repeatedly. I am all for that, ja Dzhagovv.
Hey. Ya gotta go with the heroes you got, not with the heroes you wish you had. Now hold your nose and cheer.
… George Kent, a member of the foreign service since 1992... Appointed by GHW Bush, DEFINITELY a tool of Soros, Deep State, Democrat... wait, what?
He was jerking off, achieving sweet release while watching Russian bombers blasting Syrian targets. All the while crying, "It coulda been us, why can't I ever start a fucking waaarrrrr?!!???"
You may be speaking far more truly than you imagine.
Even his glasses don't work anymore.