We had some dime-sized hail in Pensacola Monday night! (I think it also hit Mobile, or America's Rectum™.)

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You referring to brother Merle Haggard?

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Show's how much YOU know. There is no global warming. Carbon dioxide is a healthy and natural gas. Just ask any right wing corporate shill.

Of course, I can't get one of the "Carbon dioxide is good for us" morons to prove it by pulling a plastic bag over their head and leaving it there.

Wonder why.

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Texas. Meh.

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Swing by Maine and we'll go halfsies on a uhaul.

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It can't be global warming. James Inhofe <i>proved</i> that last year when it snowed in January. His "Al Gore's House" made of ice was the final inconvenient truth of the climate debate. (And funny! Move over Lewis Black, there's a new guy in town.)

The only thing that could refute such a powerful argument would be ... facts. But those are extinct in America, destroyed by the toxic political climate.

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