Medical ethics. Honestly, for me it was something I had to do to maintain tenure, but she was very dedicated and inspirational.

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Oh, dear.

That bigoted?

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Could he have, though? Minority Leader really can't do very much, as Mitch is learning. That's why he's apparently getting ready to take his ball carapace and go home.

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I would have done much better in History class throughout school, if Professor Maddow were teaching. I love her "how does this obscure thing from decades ago resonate with what's going on right now?" A-blocks.

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The mucous membranes of my nose can't take it anymore.

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"We are born as either female or male sex." Sorry hermaphodites or trans people, you are not "we" according to "Dorian" the MAGAt anime fan who understands you better than you understand yourself.

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It's a new variation on a much older kind of transphobic concern-trolling. Here's my best effort at explaining it:

Up until quite recently, the following exchange between transphobic trolls and people supportive of trans people was fairly common (warning: transphobia)

Straight man: I'd never date a trans person!Queer people: Uh, okay? Who asked you?Straight Man: Look, I'm not transphobic, but I'm a straight man. That means BY DEFINITION I am only attracted to REAL women, not disgusting transes who aren't real women. No straight man has ever been attracted to a trans "woman," nor has any lesbian ever been attracted to a trans "woman."Queer people: Saying you think trans women are disgusting or not real women is transphobic. Also, while YOU may not be attracted to trans women, some straight men and some lesbian women are. Policing other people's sexualities is homophobic.Straight Man: Waaaah! I'm being called a bigot by the Woke Left just because I personally am not attracted to trans people!

It was a really low-effort troll argument, yet it is brought up a lot. A few weeks ago, some idiot on 4chan decided to take the same "argument" but change the ending. Instead of accusing the "woke left" of saying anyone who isn't attracted to trans people is transphobic, they claimed the "woke left" says anyone who isn't attracted to trans people can't be straight, and therefore must be a new sexuality.

Hence, straight transphobes have started to proclaim themselves "superstraight," which they claim is an oppressed sexuality and that it means they should be "part of the LGBT community."

Sometimes, these are the same people who think Leftist Identity Politics and affirmative action give queer people total control over society, so they think declaring themselves a new sexuality entitles them to the special privilege they think queer people have. Other times they are just liars who are hoping to make queer people angry.

Also, the abbreviation of SuperStraight as SS is not a coincidence.

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Posted for GOD:Ayn Rand Paul and that moth-eaten possum he wears on his head in lieu of hair has issues with doctors who are more accomplished than he. He was just as nasty with Dr. Fauci as he was with Dr. Levine. He's jealous. Does anyone really think that when he decided to enter medical school it was with the intention of becoming an ophthalmologist? Do you think that proctologists went into medicine to look at areholes all day? Howz bout podiatrists? Think feet motivated them into med school? Paul's jealousy of other more accomplished physicians is obvious for all to see.

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Pretty sure it's been muttered quite often there.

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Nope. I won't give time to assholes.

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How, exactly, does this affect you?

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Ma'am, this is a fucking Arby's.

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I object to Evan's statement. Rand Paul is three months younger than me, and I am *not* almost 60, thank you very much.

I will agree that his birth was an unfortunate event, and I'm hoping that error will be rectified as quickly as his chosen deity will permit.

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That's not funny.

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They voted against her because they didn't want their wives. or for the women- themselves, to end up in the same bathroom with her. They're just being practical not transphobic.

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Maybe they're depressed by the way ignorant people treat them.

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