I wish Al's Bait & Porn back home had a web site.

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You talk that shit to me? ON MY VOLUME? FUCK YOU!

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Everyone should watch the Christine O'Donnel / Tommy Bruzzesi interview here: <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?feature=player_embedded&amp\;v=tLObaUpGYBQ" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embed...">http://www.youtube.com/watc...

You can see they're already 20% off, and she even hired a Pinkerton/Wackenhut guy to watch over this mess ...

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Next Christine will have her collection of stuffed animals gathered around her during public appearances. So sad.

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Hahaha! <a href="http:\/\/www.slate.com\/id\/2261552\/" target="_blank"> Breitbart!</a> HAHAHAHAHAHA!

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He promises to reform the Fedral tax code. That's nice, but some Federal tax reform would be more helpful.

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Christine still has that magic something.

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My God that is classic!

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<a href="http:\/\/bruzzesiforpres.com\/#" target="_blank">Bruzzesi's "autobiography"</a> before his handlers revised it:

Say bruh, I was born inFortLee 1964 and my parents was Joseph and Dorothy. My brothers are Joseph and Tami Ann. When I was 5 my daddy bought me a camaro and that was a huge mistake. I got into a accident in the driveway and then they put all these pipes and shit inside my head. They also took grafts from my ass area and grafted them to my head. Shit was serious, bra. I was legally dead for like 5 minutes then I woke up. When I was in high school I wanted to join the Mareens but they would take cuz of the pipe sitcking out of my fuckin neck. I married my friend Gina and I got into construction and we had a son but then got divorced almost exactly one year later and I still got this fuckin thing stickin out my fuckin neck.

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Dear <strike>Penthouse</strike> Washington Times

I'd always thought these letters were fakes, but then one day, it happened to me.

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Couldn't Was

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It's brunette discrimination, I'm telling you.

Christine does perform a useful public service, though, in refuting all those smart brunette stereotypes.

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disappointed why? she'd declass a palin appearance?

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and somehow the musings of 'louise campo of naples' are considered news.

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well 'massive' is no doubt correct.

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this is off topic but is anyone else wondering when all the coverage of fema running out of money will include 'gov't programs that baggers won't fund'?

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