We are looking at the fascinating, beautiful and ancient animals known as glass sponges in your hed gif. More deets and source info at the link: https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/glass-sponges

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They're digging a hole in the ocean, trying to make a dove-tailed joint.

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This former Monterey Bay Aquarium employee is pleased.

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Oh, wow, that sounds like a dream job!

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Not to mention just hanging out looking at the ocean all day lol

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It was pretty awesome as far as jobs go! I was an Interpretive Naturalist while working there, so I spent a lot of time doing informal education with the public, school groups, and sciencey people. I also met my partner when we were co-workers there! She is a Marine & Climate Scientist, so therefore she's the brains of this outfit. 😅

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One of them looked like a tampon, not a sponge/sn

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I've watched several marine wildlife programs discussing these magnificent creatures in rapt fascination. They are some of THE most beautiful and just amazing lifeforms gracing this big blue rock.

Thank you SO much for these entrancing images of those delicate and incredible creatures!

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At first, I thought part of your video was a plate of fries.

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I love us.

A few days ago, one of the Wonkers was talking about addiction, and I read that as an addition.

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"I love us." That is PERFECT.

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Colonies of tiny marine aminals!

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Some of those reefs get up to the height of a six-story building 😲

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“Won’t somebody get me off of this reef?”(Sublime)

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I got to see American Fiction in a real movie theater where I was the only person in the audience (it had been there for several weeks). It was just as well because I developed Covid symptoms the next night (I didn't test positive until a couple of days after that, and I tested negative after I went to the movie theater, so my conscience is clear). I can honestly say I did not see that ending coming at all.

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Agent 99 is 91 today.

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PAB coming to Dayton on Saturday to have another rally in the airport hangar he always has his freak show.

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To round things out NYT also found ten people who think Joe Biden is too old.

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Toddler debunks Katie's story in 3, 2, 1...

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Wait - Joe Biden is OLD?!?!

Jesus, now I have to question everything, including whether we'd be better off abandoning democracy for christo-nationalist fascism.

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Not only that, he *keeps on* being old!

You'd think he would have listened to all the media commenting on that, and done something about it by now!!

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Speaking of movies I just saw Damsel on Netflix and I love it.

Strongly recommened.

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Hi, Diane. Please add my nym to the list of tomorrow birthdays.

Looking forward to getting spanked.

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WTF NYT? Katie Britt is America’s mom? Yeah if your mom is white and privileged and gives her kids weird names AND is a liar!

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The Slimes is giving us a preview that their grotesque MAGAt diner people will soon be ranting and raving about how much they hate mom, baseball, apple pie, and the United States in general... BUTT they're the Real AmeriKKKans!

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Katie Britt needs to have her toddler assessed, or maybe child protective services needs to come have a little chat with her because wtaf

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re: the Katie Britt tab.

Does "CBN" stand for "Christian Bullshit National"?

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American Fiction was my favorite of all the nominees. I thought Oppenheimer tried way too hard.

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Katie Britt - “Oh my gosh Bennett did you see that tornado?”

Bennett, “Mom can I have a cheese stick?”

Katie- “You saw Jesus”

Bennett - “Cheese stick”

Katie - “Oh my gosh my dearest Wesley Bennett just saw Jesus in the tornado. Wesley? WESLEY what are you looking at on that laptop?”

Wesley - “Umm stocks”

Katie - “Did you hear what I said?! It’s amazing”

Bennett - “Mommy I’m hungry”

Katie - “No you’re not”

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It’s funny how Republicans think it’s some big win that Trump might have cleared the low bar of “Did not grab steering wheel from back seat like a maniac”

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The Former Guy is still bragging that he passed a cognitive test meant to detect late-stage Alzheimer's.

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Portrait of a petulant child: Tucker Carlson Comes Right Out And Says It: 'I'm A D**k'


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Years ago a vid was posted on twit of a truly wonderful example of a manly man confronting tuckem's in a shop in Wyoming(?) with the truth that he was a horrible human being. I might have to go to YouTube to see if I can find it there, hope they meet again because he's gotten worse, part two is overdue!

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