
You know who else is going on vacation? Me, it’s me that’s going on vacation. Your Tabs-gif related info here:


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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

May your diplomatic pouch be filled with joy all week.

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

Happy staycation MG, you will be missed, enjoy!!

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

"Headed south and they're still sunnin' today."

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

Revel in EVERY glorious moment of playful liberty and make sure to raise a 'lil bit of HELL on our behalf, esteemed, scintillatingly clever, and fiercely beloved animator and partner in snark crime!

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

Enjoy your vacation! Enjoy time with your dad! Enjoy it all!

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Have a great V A C A T I O N!

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

Have fun, that's so great you're going to celebrate with your dad!

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

Yay! Don't cause too much trouble.

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

Have a great time!

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

Excellent! Enjoy!

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

I see - it’s like when Rachel and Jon are both gone at the same time - yes I know the world will go on - but just know that we Wonketteers are still here - but a little bereft of wit - humor - and light - as your batteries recharge and your AI circuits get an upgrade - know - we await your return - (‘are they gone? TURN IT UP!)

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

Working 24/7 in the gif mines is hard. You deserve some sunlight.

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

Have fun!

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

Enjoy your vacation Martini!

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Thanks Linda!

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Feb 19Liked by Martini Glambassador

Enjoy your Martini, vacation! *hic*

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Those bears now live in a house and are very particular about their bathroom tissue! I think someone needs to find out who owns that house and where is the owner! People are saying a little girl with blonde curls used to live there, very suspicious! And now the mama bear is in the bathroom making sexy noises with a new kind of paper. The whole thing is salacious and I want to turn them in for


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Feb 19Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Here's the textised version of the LA Times article. No images, but we know what plastic bags look like.


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Feb 19Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Whenever I'm at a loss for what to listen to I tell spotify to give me a playlist based on the Indigo Girls. I can listen to girl rock 100% of the time.

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"I'll be damned if I can't slow dance with you" is a top ten all time country line. It's so good it overshadows "running to the first bar that we find" which also goes hard.

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Feb 19Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

I came in here and got two musics. I didn't espect that. I liked them both.

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Feb 19Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

The Beyonce song reminds me of the last Madonna song that I really, really liked--"Don't Tell Me".

I listened to that over and over again when it came out.

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Feb 19Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Apparently that Beyonce video isn't official but a fanmade one (some clips from her other videos that fit the country theme)

Still enjoyable though.

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Feb 19Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Hey! That deer was wandering around the next town over from me... it was the talk of the local 7-11!

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

John Oliver offered Clarence a $million bucks a year and a new RV if he will resign. LOL! Priceless stuff.


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Why would Uncle Thomas take a pay cut like that?

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I don't know. He won't. But he's gonna keep getting dragged.

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Alabama: "only man did he bless with his own image, that from it you may recognize not only what the Creator is, but also who he is, or what his qualities are. ... God did this: (1) so that he might as it were contemplate and delight himself in man, as in a copy of himself, or a most highly polished mirror ... " -One 17th Century commentator (pundits everywhere!!)

Not circular or anything. Man is like God, therefore God is like Man.

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Feb 19Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Once a child welfare worker tags somebody as a Bad Mom, they can get awful vindictive. Like my friend Louise, who was definitely goofy and paranoid but always a totally committed mom. The CPS involvement was helpful getting her to services, and on good drugs etc and actual therapy she has bloomed, but well over the statutory 1-year time they are still keeping the kid with the very hostile foster mom. Not nice for Louise, who persists, can't imagine the strain on the kid.

Other war stories available. We def need a CPS but such potential for abuse, same as cops, little gods. There are supposedly safeguards in place like CASA and family court, but they don't seem to have any teeth.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

I got my new Steam Deck this Saturday! I'm 49-years-old and I feel as giddy as I was when I was a child getting my Atari 2600 or NES. I haven't done much computer gaming since the late 90s, preferring tabletop paper-and-pencil RPGs and miniature wargames, but I there was just WAY too much cool stuff out there to ignore the medium anymore.

After cutting my teeth on a demo (i.e. Girl Genius: Adventures in Castle Heterodyne) to get the hang of the device, I purchased my first Triple-A title: Cyberpunk 2077. I played the original TRPG, Cyberpunk 2020, when I was younger and was stocked when I heard they were doing a sandbox computer game. The character creation was... through. The ability to choose your character's genital-type and size and pubic hair color is cool, but alien at first for someone weaned on the OG Yar's Revenge and Legend of Zelda. Got through the combat, hacking, and stealth tutorials and finished by first mission (retrieving the woman from the ripper gang). Got to visit V's apartment, and chuckled at the three seashell reference in the bathroom. It was getting late, so I turned in myself after I sent V to bed.

This thing is AWESOME!!!

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I am jealous - I’ve really wanted one for a while now (current rationalization is that I could hold off on buying a nice laptop for a while if I got one)

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I had a good tax refund this year.

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I look forward to reading about all the racist heads 'sploding because of that Beyonce video!

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They will have to wait until after their little heads 'splode.

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1.) Lincoln

2.) F.D. Roosevelt

3.) Washington

4.) T. Roosevelt

5.) Jefferson

6.) Truman

7.) L.B. Johnson

8.) Eisenhower

10.) Madison

My completely neutral, non-partisan top ten.

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19

For those who haven't noticed yet, @theliamnissan is on Bluesky 'for the foreseeable future'. Seems SissySpaceX banghammered him.

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