I've always loved <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=kdwWad6USPY" target="_blank">this one</a>

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And good ol' Nate has him with a 79.7% chance of winning- BEFORE those fucking dumbass comments of Mitt's!!

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Although <a href="http:\/\/grimm.wikia.com\/wiki\/File:Cat_wesen.png" target="_blank">this guy</a> was pretty nasty.

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But only if the fetus was female- no gay marriage!!

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See <a href="http:\/\/www.newyorker.com\/online\/blogs\/johncassidy\/2012\/08\/romneys-biggest-problem-hes-a-republican.html#entry-more" target="_blank">John Cassidy over at the New Yorker </a> on that topic.

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Huh? What were we talking about?

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I have a theory that sometimes people repeat a lie so much they start to believe it themselves. They forget its actually a lie.

You know - somebody went to Cambridge or Oxford for a Summer class and on her resume she's now a Rhodes Scholar. A guy inflates his job description.

Listen to almost any man after a few beers when he starts talking about his high school sports' performance.

Paul RAyn isn't used to being on the national stage - where people actually check out the shit he says.

Neither, apparently, is (r)Money...

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Why would you want to? It is meta-Sarah.

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I know....and on a day like today, I thought maybe spreading a little "nice" wouldn't be such a bad idea, karma-wise. I have some close friends in the Foreign Service in the Middle East that I am more than a little worried about tonight.

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OK, Obama has to do the debates nekkid. And he'll STILL win.

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oh boy i've got some werecats at home who are so thanking you right now.

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and heaven forfend we have to keep doing so after november.

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Speech is something completely different. (Money)

This guy is just a fucking massive troll.

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That's cute... "unless"

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<hugs MittBorg> Hope you feel better....

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Being an absolute dick is an asset in the private capital field. If you have no moral sense, no guide, you will screw over your mother to make a buck.

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