A Drag Queen Is Taking Over The Christian And Gospel Charts On ITunes
And it's all thanks to wacky MAGA preacher Sean Feucht!
The number one song on iTunes this week is Jason Aldean’s “Try That In A Small Town,” not because it’s a particularly good song (content aside, it’s terrible, and I have no problem admitting when I think terrible people have good voices or wrote a catchy tune) but rather because the Right ran out and bought it in order to “own the libs.” You know, because we’re not so hot for lynching jams.
But two can play at that game!
Last week, the very ridiculous MAGA preacher Sean Feucht, whom you may remember from his COVID lockdown-era shenanigans and the rumors that he was Lauren Boebert’s sidepiece, pitched a fit about Christian musician Derek Webb’s recent musical collaboration with drag queen (and fellow Christian musician) Flamy Grant.
“If you're wondering the end goal of the deconstruction movement in the church, then look no further than former worship leader @derekwebb's new collab with a drag queen.” he wrote on Twitter. “These are truly the last days.”
It is very normal to believe in an almighty deity who would look down on Earth and say, “What? Someone is singing songs with a drag queen? Not on my watch! Time to pack it all in — start vacuuming up the righteous so we can explode the entire giant universe I created!”
“End goal? Baby, we’re just getting started,” Grant retorted.
“Well good for us hardly anyone listens or cares what you do,” Feucht tweeted. “Bad for you is that one day you’ll sit before Jesus and give an account for the perversion you tried to force on kids. There’s a verse about a millstone to warn you (Matt 18:6).”
Oh for Feucht’s sake.
Feucht, it turns out, is something of a false prophet — his little spat with Flamy Grant led to a lot of people listening to her and caring what she does, and now her album Bible Belt Baby is number one on the Christian and Gospel charts!
She’s also the only person on those charts that I have even heard of, other than (oddly enough) Amy Grant.
Hey, that “Baby, Baby” song was a bop.
And, unlike Jason Aldean’s hookless slog, Flamy Grant’s music is actually pretty good!
In addition to the album itself charting, her song “Good Day,” featuring the aforementioned Derek Webb, also hit number one on the Christian and Gospel iTunes charts.
Flamy Grant responded to the 10-month old song and album charting on Instagram with gratitude to her fans and supporters, writing, “I don’t know what else to say except: if you’re gonna come for a drag queen, you better be ready for how she comes back. She comes back with an army of love.”
Flamy Grant is amazing. "What Did You Drag Me Into?" is one of my new favorite jams.
>> "Flamy Grant"
Flamy Grant? Arę you kidding me? FLAMY GRANT? For a christian/gospel Drag name?