fraction is 10/8. FTFY.

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Probably self-insured, so the victims will be paying themselves. Assuming they win, of course. Which is not a given.

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A water softener cartridge works very nicely - they scarf up lead even better than they do calcium - but nobody seems to promote them for this use.

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No, I'm not depressed over the GOP "debate" - it simply reinforced what we've been saying all along: supposedly "anti-war" "progressives" have deliberately handed the government right back to deranged Christofascist war-mongering Republicans thanks to this far right Libertarian douchenozzle: http://glenngreenwald.blogs...

Yes, on purpose: "progressive" Salon.com: "Just let the Republicans win: Maybe things need to get really bad before America wakes up"http://www.salon.com/2015/1...

Just like they did in 2000: "Yes, Nader wanted Bush to win and said so": https://phoenixwoman.wordpr...

Meanwhile, a crack in the "progressive" protective headgear?

Daily Kos: "The privileged idiocy of 'Just let the Republicans win'"http://www.dailykos.com/sto...

Who knows. On thing is certain: they still haven't figured out that they've been played by right-wing Libertarians:

Glenn Greenwald, Unclaimed Territory:

Friday, November 04, 2005 - "The reality of Latin American reaction to Bush"

"George Bush is here in Latin America this week, visiting Brazil and Argentina, and the standard reports of the American media are trying to depict a handful of isolated, juvenile socialist-organized "demonstrations" as some sort of sweeping, popular mass protest against Bush’s visit, thereby suggesting, yet again, that the Administration’s policies are flawed because people in other countries dislike Bush. As usual, the truth is vastly different than what the U.S. media is reporting (see UPDATE below) .

It is true that in this region (as is true for the U.S.), there remains a small, fervent band of left-wing fanatics with crazed enthusiasm for the worn-out, socialist/collectivist policies which have condemned millions upon millions of people throughout Latin America to poverty unimaginable to even the poorest Americans. These putative "mass demonstrations" in Argentina and Brazil are, in reality, nothing more than a few isolated spray-painting incidents of trite pacifist slogans in Brasilia, and a Cindy Sheehan-like "rally" of hard-core Socialists in Argentina led by an obese, Castro-idolozing, retired soccer player who found time away from his decade-old cocaine addiction to show up wearing an oh-so-clever t-shirt showing Bush's name spelled with a swastika."http://glenngreenwald.blogs...

With willing assistance from the far left. Which brings us back to Flint - home of one Michael Moore whose head is so far up Greenwald's right-wing arse he can't see daylight. Michael "don't vote" "both sides" Moore should be force-fed that toxic sludge water, for he is much to blame for what's happening in Michigan under its Tea Party governor.

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Oh, for fuck's sake.

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The oversight of testing is at the state level. At least in Cali, the actual testing is done by the supplier (I don't know about Michigan). The Feds set standards, but aren't normally involved in the management. Michigan has been busily eviscerating its state gummint for some years now, so they may have just missed this for a while.

I have to stop now. This is making me sick.

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Actually, from the summary of the article, I don't think this problem is because of the pipes in the distribution system. The problem appears to be that the raw water in the Flint River is Pb-heavy, and the city had no facility to react it out of solution.

If the statement "the state decided to hook the people of Flint up to the Flint River" is correct, and if the lead concentration was known, Snyder should be shot.

Nevertheless, this was apparently know since at least September 2014. The city officials should have been screaming to the high heavens. They took lead out of house paint because children sometimes ate chips of it, for fuck's sake. For over a year, the city (and state) have been serving a lovely gradually-destroy-your-mind cocktail, on tap, to all the kids in Flint.

This is a perfect example of the true Republican slogan: "Put us in charge and we'll fuck up government to the point where it doesn't work".

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Are you unfamiliar with recent history in Michigan?

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Apparently, as I am unaware of anything which makes a parody of the Preamble *particularly* suitable for that state.

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So "haven't got much better" = "got worse" ?

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This whole situation sickens me. But at least when it first came out here last summer, it put an end to any speculation - and there was some - that Snyder might run for president.

Yesterday, on the Gov. LePage post, someone suggested an award for the worst governors. I had to run, so I couldn't post, but Snyder came to mind. He is a smarter and more charming, harmless-seeming sociopath than Scott Walker. He is doing all the same heinous things - and this Flint water supply is worse! - but he always manages to make it look like the Lege has backed him into a corner, or it's a reasonable compromise, or something. Screwing pensioners, corporate tax breaks, undercutting right-to-work laws, rewarding cronies with lucrative contracts, etc. It was under his appointed emergency manager that the water supply was changed, mayor and city council had pretty limited powers under that arrangement. Detroit, Detroit schools, and Benton Harbor (also black) had emergency managers too.

House and Senate here just passed a referendum-proof bill eliminating straight ticket voting, the real purpose of which is to codify in MI law an even sleazier version of Citizens United. Waiting to see if Snyder signs it. My money's on yes. Yeah, he's a candidate for that worst governor thing. He's scary. But at least he can't run for president.

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Has anyone tried making lemonade with this new water?

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argued over which of them was more likely to murder an ISIS member’s child by ripping said child’s throat out with their teeth

By accident, last week I came across an uncensored photo of a Syrian man carrying the corpse of his tiny baby, which was headless, because its head got blown off in a US bombing raid.

This is my version of those anti-choice posters purporting to show massacred fetuses. If I didn't have a job, if I didn't have some kind of compassion for that man ... OK, the only thing I want to do with my time these days is stand at GOP fundraisers and GOP candidate events and anti-choice demonstrations with a huge enlargement of that photo. A headless dead real baby corpse. Not a fake fetus, not some wet-dream of a violent, hate-filled racist wingnut about "controlled" strikes or "precision" bombing.

It's not that I don't like my job or my friends or the things I do in my free time. But I don't really want to be doing anything else.

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Yay for the Detroit water. Unfortunately, the corrosive water from the Flint River corroded the pipes and exposed the lead soldering, so the nice, clean Detroit water has to run through those pipes and continue to poison the residents.

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Excuse me. They "misinterpreted" the test results by looking at the wrong testing criteria. The Invisible Hand is perfect. Humans, not so much.

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