So... messier blobs?

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I heard a supporter of his on NPR, attending one of his rallies, when asked about the unsealed documents showing his scammy university's extra scammy playbook, say something like "Well, all of those businesses are like that. People should know better."

Yes, you need to take responsibility for getting scammed. It's never the scorpion's fault.

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$25,000 was to buy a shit ton of sweet fringe for all their flags, which totally would have provided the Sovereign Trumpcitizencorp a free pass.

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That's how grifting works. They promise that you will be the only one to get the moon and stars if you will only give them everything you have.

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Abbot played up his condition for a little extra grift.

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Full disclosure: I stole that line from Neil Steinberg of the Chicago Sun-Times.

Neil's blog, www.everygoddamnday.com, is well worth checking out. He has even less tolerance for fools than Wonkette.

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the same DOJ that saw nothing on Wall Street shenanigans in 2008 to get all hung about?

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This below comes straight off a site called Shaggy Texas. I shouldn't be dumbfounded at the derp, but I am not only left with nothing to say, I am nearly paralyzed.

Begin derp:Donald Trump in his regular form yesterday on the stump in Iowa.

Trump on buying politicians: 'When I call, they kiss my ass'

"You know, it's interesting. I was looking at the ones I'm running against. I've contributed to most of them -- can you believe it? I've contributed to most of them. And one of them said, No, I don't think you've contributed to me. They found out I did. I contribute to everybody. I've given to Democrats. I've given to Hillary. I've given to everybody, because that was my job. I've got to give to them. because when I want something I get it. When I call, they kiss my ass. It's true. They kiss my ass. It's true."

I am not a Trump supporter myself, but with him funding his own campaign, this really distinguishes him from the rest of the field. He is proving by not accepting any significant donations that he is not for sale. /Derp

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How much does Trump U charge for the Run for President track?

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Corruption is how he will make America great again? How else are we supposed to stay competitive with the rest of the world?http://www.transparency.org...

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The only crime a white person can commit in Florida is not standing your ground. And possibly pommeling someone with a ladder after you've buried them alive in dirt.

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Quid Pro ... uh, LINE?

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I was talking to my better half who has done a lot of Nonprofit work. It is a huge no-no for a nonprofit charity to give to a politician. It depends on the type of charity and giving to an individual is forbidden. It is bad enough that they pull your nonprofit status and fine the hell out of you at a minimum. This could be a big deal and I hope someone down at the Orlando Sentinel is checking into this.

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No, not the Eric Holder DOJ. The new kickass Loretta Lynch DOJ.

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I fantasize about DT being arrested on election night. Also, too: Reichelderfer?

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of course, you're right, and the target is different, it is a target that can damage Trump, not the establishment's corporations' bottom line

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