The swearing prohibition has always annoyed me. I worked in a high school for 3 years as an auditorium manager and would explain to the kids, "I have better things to do than relentlessly police the words you choose. I don't care if you say 'fuck.' I care about intent. I care if you're using words to hurt each other. But I don't particularly care what those words happen to be."

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Oh a twin bed's quite big enough.

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Even if the lasses are cis-het allies.

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Less than 2 if they were immigrants.

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I am a Southerner and am beginning to think that the only real accomplishment of the USSR -- which was teaching the peasants to read -- is looking more and more impressive; because the South faced the same task and has not done nearly as well as the commies did.

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Ain't that the truth? I drive my grandchildren (5th, 4th and 2nd grade) to and from school, and recently on the way home they got into an argument about which color flag goes with which sexual preference.

They know more about that than I do, although I am not sure they have any idea what a sexual preference is.

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MESSAGE TO GQP: You're not in charge of my sexuality! You're not in charge of policing my pregnancy! You're not superior to anyone else just because your heretic pastor tells you that you are!

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One of the instructions in Mao's 'Little Red Book' was, "Teach the people to read, so that they can comprehend your propaganda."

There really were some wise observations in that text, such as, "Aid the people with the harvest, and they will feed your troops" and "Set up medical stations to heal the people, and they will care for your injured."

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I would have pointed out that the rainbow flag is actually the flag of Cusco, Peru, and has been for at least 600 years (so they're annoyed). The result of not doing any research is that you can piss people off by accident.

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He has some of the greatest Amazon product reviews ever!

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Never read it, but those sound better than 'complain about Minnie Mouse's pantsuit and the lower middle classes will switch their custom to the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky.'

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ITYM "and also for straight parents who want to teach empathy to their children, and thus, those children themselves".

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Song of Solomon contains poetic descriptions of what is almost certainly oral sex, and something involving butt stuff. It also has multiple mentions of (probably metaphorical) incest, and a bit of miscegenation to get the Rebs really clutching their pearls*. Though I doubt that particular book is part of the curriculum.

*This particular phrase is not used in it, though it would certainly fit with the rest of the language.

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pretty sure they're looking for people who look like they're under age.

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i remember when caroline's best friends, in grades 3 to 5, were graham (my son), calvin, max and emmanuel. the gang called themselves 'the wizards', as in "at school, there are the boys, the girls and the wizards. that's us".

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That is the entire idea - the defunding and destruction of public education.

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