Notice that he inspected it visually first. What the heck would he have had to have seen in order for him <i>not</i> to have ingested it?

The mind boggles.

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Also, too, a flavor of jelly bean at Hogwarts.

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If I ever run for a political office I swear I will never eat in public again. This will include belly lint, nose goblins, hair, scabs, dandruff, fingernails, toenails and especially ear wax.

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if it was that smart, why'd it get eaten??!?

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You have to put up with a lot in Miami, and this repulsive behavior is better than his predecessor, David Rivera, a true crook, Republican, and Marco Rubio's best friend in the Florida House.

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as opposed to the water in <a href="http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-2625659\/Cocaine-use-Britain-widespread-DRINKING-WATER.html" target="_blank">Britain</a>

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