It does actually work for SOME AA people. I have a AA male friend (I'm an AA female so he is not the only AA male I know, lol) who was stationed in FL and two men broke into his house while he and his family were there sleeping. he shot both of them and killed one. He was let off due to the SYG law. But again, he's military and had no prior record, masters degree, etc. You know, one of us uppity AA's who don't have names like Ja'Ron...

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I think I saw him holding a piece of nicotine gum and putting in his mouth. But that may just be projection on my part. Because I think being a smoker and having to quit even as you took a position so stressful it even turned W a little grayer must be hell without a cigarette. I hope his anger translater was helpful.

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as i said...even when police do nothing...people die...just like pulse night club...just like parkland...recently a man here killed his two step children after police allowed him a 12 hour stand off.

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the permit

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I remember that. Didn't she know that only white people can use the Stand Your Ground defense?

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I've seen it a ton. People saying things like, "McGlockton was just defending his girlfriend," which implies that you can "defend" yourself against someone with verbal diarrhea.

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Apparently, it's also a good way to get yourself killed. I haven't seen anybody justifying the assault by McGlockton, but in this instance, the results speak for themselves.

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Having one what? A gun or a finger? I'm sure that both were loaded.

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"...pretend that there are no rules of civilization." WTF? This is Florida! Flow-ree-duh! See "Florida Man" #s 1 - ∞ Florida Man doesn't pretend.

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Not disagreeing with you there at all. Drejka was justified in pulling the gun, but at the moment that McGlockton backed up, it was clear that he didn't intend on continuing the assault, so Drejka should have gotten up, put the gun away, and called the police. But it's ridiculous to see people justifying McGlockton's assault because Drejka is a belligerent asshole. Where I come from, you can't hit someone else because he's being a verbal jerk.

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Drejka should have called the cops then. It was an assault, no doubt, and it was on camera. McGlockton should have been charged, convicted, and punished. Perhaps given the chance to see the error in his ways, he'd have reformed himself and made good for his son. What about the orphan, what did he do to deserve what Drejka did?

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If that was true then it wouldn't be news. A lot of cops are nice people. Failure to press charges against a road-raging, gun-waving nut case = blood on your hands. Face the widow and the orphan that you helped to create to avoid some inconvenience.

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If you're "declining to press charges," then yes, there's an asshole involved. An asshole who is going to kill a family member, or a member of the public, leaving a mourning spouse and/or orphan. Freedom isn't free. Step up to the plate folks.

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Drejka clearly used deadly force at a time when the threat to him was not imminent, so charges are appropriate. But to justify McGlockton's assault because some idiot was running off at the mouth is to pretend that there are no rules of civilization.

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my post was hyperbole

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I mean, on a personal level I'm not super opposed to that...

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