Therein lies part of the problem. The fetishisation of firearms. Through whatever means, be it media, movies, NRA and manufacturer propaganda, far too many people now believe that guns have the magical power to make you into Rambo/Chuck Norris/Arnold Schwarzenegger just by the sheer possession of it.

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Just go throw a peanut on the lawn and wait for a rabid squirrel to come chattering by - it's the same thing.

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Yes, yes they are. And for some goddamned reason, it's legal for them to carry around guns.

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IIRC, the Seminoles never surrendered nor signed a peace treaty with the occupiers either.

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You do? Might wanna check in with your dermatologist. j/k.

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This is an area where I believe that our old friend Karma, the Bitch has control. Handicaps are not always visible, and confronting people these days can get your murdered as noted above. Although I did accost a woman at the grocery store who parked in a "mothers with children" spot and emerged from the then-empty car alone. When I suggested the spot was not for her, she snapped, "I HAVE children." I could only respond that I was very sorry to hear that she's managed to reproduce.

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Jees... this guy INSTIGATED THIS. This is complete bs. He should go to jail for second degree murder, not manslaughter.

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Good for that.

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Stand your Klansman Ground, Florida, stand your Klansman ground.

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Farts Legos and then steps on them?

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The shooter would have had a better chance on appeal if he had argued that he was exercising his First Amendment religious liberties rights, particularly in the US Supreme Court. It works every time since Roberts, Thomas and Alito took over.

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Yep. Just wait until the eye is over Mar-a-Lago.

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Him accidentally being shot and killed as he's walking out of the prison might be nice.

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What worked? New York was not an open carry state then, like California once was (before the Black Panthers).I don't remember any new gun laws right after 1969.

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Well, yeah. The shooter was afraid of the victim's big non-gun.

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