I was in Tallahassee earlier this week, traipsing around the capital seeing the legislative aides of Florida's distinguished senators and congressional representatives. The unemployment bill is offensive, yes, but it doesn't scratch the surface of the crazy going on there right now. There is a bill in the chute now that forbids healthcare providers from asking patients (or kids' parents) about guns in the household, how they are secured, etc. Asking such questions, or refusing to treat someone who refuses to answer, would carry a possible fine of five million dollars.

Apparently ONE pediatrician in St. Pete or somewhere turned away a patient for refusing to answer questions about guns. So there's that persecution of a CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED CLASS to nip in the bud. But the bigger reason they are making such a stink about this is that the Sunshine State's peabrains believe that with electronic medical records on the way, the government will have a back-door way of tracking down and taking away all of our guns.

Apparently one of the appropriate responsibilities of limited government is to protect (conservative) idiots from whatever they irrationally fear.

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“Only four states have less-generous maximum weekly benefits than Florida.” Slackers.

At least it's warm down there. In Minnesota the homeless sometimes freeze to death. We find them after the snow melts. Yeah, it's not funny. sorry.

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HA! and while all this anti gov't crap is going down, gov't takes over three tylenol plants.

it's all fun and games til someone poisons bagger grandma's pills.

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I said it before, but it bears repeating... They're not even trying to pretend any more. And I'll add this: For those proles who don't care because "they got theirs", beware. Schadenfreude is a fickle thing.

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Rick Scott is determined to make Jeb Bush look like a Rockefeller Republican. Spooky eyes also.

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If those lazy unemployed would steal $1.5billion from the federal government like Columbia/HCA did when Rick Scott was Chairman/CEO, they would not need to be sucking on the government teat.

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