You have to admire the balls that Republicans have in bragging about the jobs created under the worst, socialist, Kenyan, Muslim, czar, dictator to ever don a pair of mom jeans.

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I read a great line the other day, it said "Republicans have an opportunity to change their ways (embrace minorities, give up on the culture wars, start trying to help the middle class and poor), or just find a more likable pitchman to sell their toxic product." I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist of it.

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Except I'm in Georgia and that means they'll come up here like a locust plague. Maybe that's why Obama is normalizing relations with Cuba? They'll all head further South? Ok, carry on.

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Didn't they learn anything at all from G. W. Bush? He never made unscheduled appearances and he had a special corral for protestors at his speeches. That's how he got away with the phony folksy image crap for so long.

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"slithered" YES!

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I still think he shed his tail in a failed attempt to distract attention, like the lizard he is.

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*Not ALL the Greatest Generation.* What I heard from some of them was "World War II HAD to be fought, but what has Viet Nam done to us?" But yeah, you're right: an awful lot of them bought into the domino theory, because they saw how Stalin gobbled up eastern Europe during the last weeks of the Big War. That's what Ike was remembering when he sent those first military advisors over to Nam.

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Face it, Abby, your roommate is a whore with a stolen McLaren. If she charges "1$" per blow job, that "98$" per hour does require real skill -- and those of us on the internet are deeply impressed by her technique and her marketing abilities.

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If I ever decide to talk to my parents, I will find out. They seemed to actually like Hillary back in 2008, but I imagine Cruz is right up their alley what with his father basically being my father but muy cubano.

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I think they believe their own publicity about being the only true Americans. A dissenting opinion is not expected only gratitude for thier heroic efforts.

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RICK SCOTT IS NOT A LIZARD PERSON. He is a very specific genetic abomination, specifically he is a Naked-Mole-Rat/Human Hybrid. Again, here is a picture of his genetic mother. Please have some respect for the downtrodden Lizard people who only want to live in peace.

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Who around there has a great job? Rick Scott and his PAC team, apparently. The rest must make do with minimum-wage slavery at Starbucks and other chains...

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Poor hairless overgrown child! Can't use the standard retort ("Oh Yeah?") and has to resort to an ad? What better illustration of the flaccid prick?

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But she was right on the asshole part. Taking out the ad is exactly what a thin-skinned entitled asshole would do.

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This Scott guy really looks demonic, & I mean all the time & not just photobomb demonic.

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But sometimes they sneak in . . .

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