Whoa if true

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Justices said F U DeSantis, let them people vote!

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Actually Ted Cruz is smart, they say, tho he behaves like he is stupid. But Jared Kushner is not smart-- he is even uninformed about Israel, he knows less than me what has happened there, and I don't keep up with it. His idea was to offer money in exchange for land to the Palestinians, which couldn't possibly be more insulting, IMHO. He and the Trump siblings all share an inability to comprehend the other side in any disagreement or negotiation or-- just what any critic could possibly be talking about. This keeps them from seeming like real people when they open their mouths, its like a void in their brains. And it's why Ivanka confidently advises the world to wear their masks and blah blah blah when all we really know of her is that she pretends to be a good person but is VERY sleasy in business and lies.

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Zealot, the life and times of Jesus of Nazareth by Reza Aslan is a good read. Aslan is a Muslim turned Christian turned Muslim again who has spent literally decades in research on this topic. My atheist son turned me on to this book.

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When doctors love what they do, they don't want to retire. My dad kept working pretty much until the day he went into hospice care. My brother and sister in law in their seventies still have a full-time practice. Hope your Dad stays well and safe.

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Agree with you on all of that. Jared's Harvard classmates were regularly appalled at his stupidity. In the case of Ted I think religion can make smart people dumb. Or it's just a play to stay in power in the state of Texas.

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You know, Mary Mallon never had any symptoms so she should have continued to cook delicious typhus meals for rich people. Damn libs who quarantined her just damaged the rocket fuel for our economy.

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I don't know. There must be something about that arm waving/packing motion that taps into part of the reptilian brain. Watch the DeSantis video for what I am talking about.It's as though the packing motion suppresses the smell of the bullshit emanating from their mouths.

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I don't think Senator Anchor Baby has any use for religion except to use it as a weapon.

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Oh, that's fantastic!!! Hurrah for Kriseman! Stay safe and well, neighbor!

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Will do. You too. :)

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The brainwashing from his born again Pastor Dad goes pretty deep though. Independent critical thinking is not encouraged in that environment.

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Nova Knight?!? That's a fuckin' superhero/alter-ego name if I've ever heard one!

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The nuns never made us to that.

Probably because they weren't as clever as your mom...

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