I'm thinking something on their car with a palm tree and a crescent moon.

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So true. Racism never went away, its just that the white supremacists / white nationalist / Nazis / Klansman / I'm not racist buts, got really angry when they realized horror of horrors, someone who isn't white is in the white house for the first time.

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Doktor Zoom,

Glad I was able to provide an update for you.

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"if we can’t call evil “evil,” for fear of offending people, then we can’t really defeat our enemies."

Ok, fine. You're evil.

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"He also told CNN that he’s not going to ban all Muslims, only the ones that take the Koran’s injunctions to slaughter infidels literally, which he will determine on a case-by-case basis under his ATF license to refuse to sell guns to anyone who seems not quite right to him..."

So he's going to do... BACKGROUND CHECKS?

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Inverness is only twenty miles away from the town of Homosassa. Can somebody out there turn this factoid into a snarky joke?

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I much prefer "Spatula City". They sell spatulas, and that's all!

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The Confederate battle flag was the ISIS banner of its time.

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I'm putting that one in my archive, thanks.

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That would put quite a dent in their profits. I hear tell that atheists love to go to the museum to point and laugh (but quietly cuz they hire bouncers to eject 'unbelievers.' Way to believe in your product, boys.)

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'I swear I am not a Muslin. Insh'allah!'

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heh... I can't imagine why anyone would hang around here if they DIDN'T have a sense of humour. Unless they liked babby and kitten pics. Or the occasional recipe.

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I'd never do that. Too high a chance that I'd catch ammosexual cooties. Ew.

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They're not so much 'big boy pants' as those kids' pants that are silk-screened to resemble adult clothing.

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He thinks he's people!

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I think I have a few bullets around somewhere. Play date?

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