[I don't get it]

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Much like Melania speaking a couple of languages and having multiple degrees from Universities who say she doesn't

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Up her nose

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"I did not plan to deceive or mislead anyone". Then what the fuck did you plan on doing. You said you had a degree in a non existing program at that University. I think I would call it misleading and a fucking big deception, but that is just me/

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Perhaps we should submit the question to The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. If anyone knows, it would be the union membership.

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Tell me about it.

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Yes!!! I've forgotten to go to class, but it's too late to withdraw! And I'm trying to tell myself - Hey, dream-me! You already have a degree - and an advanced degree - and a job, and NOBODY WILL CARE if I now have an F on my transcript!! But, that doesn't help dream-me feel any better...

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<voice type="Colbert">Standard disclaimer: I don't know if any of these are technically sins, but I do feel bad about them.</voice>


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But it was double tracked........

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There's a difference between a deliberate lie and not blurting out something that may hurt your cause. I'm an Immunologist, Virologist, Cell Biologist, and Oncology Researcher, and I have people call me "Dr." Sometimes I correct them, other times I don't. I never put M.D. or Ph.D. after my name because I didn't go that way. In discussing a friend/relative, etc. with Big C and they want my advice, I always say: I'm not a Licensed Physician, and cannot diagnose, treat, or recommend one treatment over another, that's a clinician's job. I can search clinical trials. gov for them, and explain how therapies work and what the published response rates are.

It's a fine line, but once you can see the lane markings, it's not hard.

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Uhhhh lemme see:

1. Florida2. Florida GOP Candidate

Do you want me to go on?

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Marketing Scrabble Mumbo-Jumbo for Dumbo

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How much have ya got?

Who can you borrow more from?

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Just don't pass out on the pool table

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It's the Florida GOP. They've got a Deep Bench.

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Lol, another fraud bites the dust.

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