As for Director Chandler...

It's absurd to think anybody would "scam" $6k a year to pad a $200k+ salary. And the "ethics" rules are inflexible. Travel costs are astronomical and UCF should be allowing other contributors -- grateful audiences consuming information on Crisis Management -- to help defray them. If anything, these additional monies helped allow this travel which raised UCF's profile in this area of national security importance: one, I might add, which has very FEW experts.

As for the quantity of travel, who really WANTS to make two trips a month? What a hassle! I've lived that way and it's exhausting -- and that was before the TSA airport security nightmares. Spending half your life in hotels trying to sleep properly? Up at insanely early hours for meetings, to bed at insanely late hours so you can glad-hand and answer questions and satisfy your conference hosts and attendees?

Nonsense. This travel was a curse, not a blessing. NOTE the Sentinel (and UCF) picked out "plumb" looking destinations like Hawaii to highlight. Out of 200 trips, why didn't cities like Hoboken, Des Moines, or Omaha get any mention? Why? Because that's not a juicy enough story.

How did UCF handle this? Was there a hearing? Evidence presented? Was there even a process available? Nope. Just a summary hanging.

As for those beating up on the salary... do you know how hard it is to get a qualified dean-level candidate in such positions as this? And to find one with extensive crisis management is exceptionally rare. This type of expertise is the thing that has been putting UCF on the map. Supply and demand for this specific ability is what determines salary. And we KNOW that UCF VALUED IT because a $25k raise was granted. Universities don't do that unless they perceive high value.

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According to Wikipedia the Water Moccasin will, "stand its ground and gape at an intruder" so it is a model citizen and representative for the state as a whole.

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If he'd died, he'd be in the finals for the Darwin Award.

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"methed-up Florida man"

Today's bulletin from the Department of Redundancies Department.

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Holy guacamole, this is a special week. Even for Florida.~

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Seems like it's only a matter of time. Give it to him now!~

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So long as they can blame it on the black guy, they're golden.

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Or simply go fuck yourself.

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Calmer than you are.

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Fans of history may want to bookmark that "spitting on vets" story anytime some "patriot" drags out that now-discredited story of hippies spitting on returning vets after Vietnam (never happened, no proof), and offer this as an example instead.

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Another edition of "Florida: Jesus, What The Fuck, I Can't Even..."

The story about the hospital discarding that amputated leg in the dumpster with the regular garbage is some seriously stoopid shit. Biomedical waste is a vector for disease and is treated damn near like plutonium by hospitals and clinics... or should be.

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A one-in-a-million snake.

Now, why would I lie?

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...those hysterical, overly sensitive cupcakes.

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You know, if Mr. Hatfield wanted to kiss a cottonmouth, all he had to do was give Marco Rubio a call.

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And it will be either a) ignored, or b) dismissed as a fabrication, while the original actual fabrication will still be believed, because Amurrica.

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But not, because yer GOP fascist hates anarchy. So there. Nyaa.

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