If only our civilization had organizations of people who were trained to deal with criminals. You know what would be awesome? If they were available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help keep order in society. Maybe they could even be available through a very short telephone number, no more than say three digits?

Nah, it'll never work.

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OT, but I love this sign even if it is fake.

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"when caught, he *did* attempt to fight the dude that caught him"

I'd strongly argue that this part of the shooter's story is made up. If you have a gun on someone, chances are they aren't going to run to you.

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I know it's not *really* funny, but I just got a mental image of the kid writing on the ground saying "I'M INVINCIBLE!"

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That 2.00 dollar bullet just saved us taxpayers thousands from having to feed an house this young criminal in the making. Yayyy!

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Embarrassing myself? No... Sparing myself the knowledge that society actually contains people with the mindset that I see in these articles and comments? yes. The fallacy you people want to believe is that cute little innocent 16 year old boys aren't capable of beating the shit out of an elderly man. Google "16 year old boy charged in beating" and enlighten yourselves.

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when seconds count, the police are minutes away. there aren't enough police to protect us all. the police aren't there to prevent crime but to clean up the mess afterwards and try to figure out what happened. none of you would be so flippant and judgmental if you've been in the same situation. when someone chooses to break the law then they suffer the consequences. eos.

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Yes..precious seconds counted here to prevent this guys TV from being stolen...totally worth the possibility of killing someone.

Police ARE there to prevent crime Cliff. Why else do you think they're so thorough in murdering blah people that are in no way threatening the officers?

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No, it's because all young black males have "ShouldergunTM" installed automatically at age 15. It's a gun that's mounted on their shoulders, pointing backwards. So yes, it's okay to shoot fleeing black youth.

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Yes a 16 year old can beat up an elderly man and a elderly man can shot and kill a 16 year old . Whats worse.

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At least this way there's a *chance* the guy who unleashed potentially-lethal violence on an unarmed kid *might* get in trouble for it.

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Heh. Tough call.

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Do you know how long it could take for the cops to arrive? It could be two minutes. Better to unload a few rounds first.

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Remember the West Memphis Three? You deal with Christian cops in the Deep South you cannot necessarily take accusations of witchcraft seriously. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

As far as the "person of interest" confessing that the whole thing was witchcraft, the reason that people with the most cursory experience with law enforement in the USA don't think you have to torture terrorists to get them to talk is that when the detectives get them in the back room, they all talk, just like on TV. If you've got an aggressive detective, who doesn't too much care about the actual facts, the detective will supply the defendant with the facts and the "person of interest" will parrot back whatever the detective wants.

If you want to know how it works in practice in the real USA, read the actual opinion in Miranda v Arizona, starting at the page marked 1614. (Miranda misfired; it still works that way.) http://www.princeton.edu/~e...

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being blah in a rich white neighborhood even if you live there (or your father does).

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