Is this Xanax, or corn?

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I saw that movie - Olivia Newton John and Gene Kelly, I think.

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After this article, I am never asking any of my Wonkette friends to hold anything for me. Except possibly my Trump dildo.

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If you can hear him shouting, you're not doing it right.

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Cheeksus! It's just another butt joke. I simply can't resist making someone the butt of butt jokes. It's a weakness, I guess?

I get what you're trying to say, I do. It's very respectfully compassionate of you to view this through another perspective, rather than a simple springboard for joking. You're right and your motives are good, and your criticisms are fair. Your appeal to our better angels is a decent thing.

That said, being judgmental about what is or is not a thing that should be laughed at is a tricky gambit. It will likely make some people think "sheesh, someone's got a stick up his ass" which essentially brings us back full circle, to the fundamental issue of why people laugh: just who starts their day making the decision to put something, whether it is contraband, or a humorless stick, up in their buttzone, and thinks 'this is a pretty good idea?'

The world might arguably be doing those people a favor by laughing at that decision.

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Grammar tip: that should be "buttockular." oopsie, I see you got it right in the second reference. When they say "in" her buttocks, does that mean they were surgically implanted in the gluteal area? Not the probing journalism I was hoping for, but a buttockular headline nonetheless.

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Would that translate to a metric ass ton? (We like metrics in Europe-land)

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"Hey, you made it, Ginger… you got my Xanax?"

"Yep, got 'em right here in my butt…"


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What, no gluteus maximus puns? I am disappoint.

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I think we all did.

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Oh, the hyooj manatee!(Oblig.)

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She had the must turd.

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Why not both?

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I hear the "Dr." can still write scrips.

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Later, in the insane asylum...

"Why does he keep saying "What has been seen cannot be unseen!"

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They didn't find the jackhammer...

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