Greater Metropolitan Pensacola. Home of the Blue Angels and Joe Scarborough. The birthplace of naval aviation. Gateway to Chumuckla. Hotbed of fervent fundamentalism. Envy of nearby Alabama and Mississippi.

Where you at, Whales?

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My guess is that the school was founded by German missionaries long ago, so when they decided to have a parade to honor their founders, they Googled "German outfits" and came up with this.

All except for the woman in the last picture - she must have chosen some character from a Grimm's fairy tale. Though that witch costume is pretty sweet.

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Not so much that they're old timers...but fat, gluttonous old timers.

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Mock not my houses of worship! From where I sit, I have 3 NHSLS within 10 minutes. Just knowing I'm only 10 minutes away from scotch provides more comfort than any priest I knew.

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Hell, give it to the baggers and let them make a little <strike>dictatorship</strike> <strike>monarchy</strike> democratic republic out of it. Like the Democratic Republic of Korea but with fatter people.

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or confusing.

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I was thinking maybe the January between the presidential election and the inauguration. Let's get to these things early.

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You know, I was thinking much the same thing. Every election season you hear people in Iowa and New Hampshire complaining about being endlessly pestered by phone calls and how they pretty much quit caring who wins, they just want it to be over. Are that many people in Florida whose kids never call?

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If Florida takes the place of Iowa will government start sucking up to orange growers instead of corn farmers?

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Two weeks of antibiotics cleared my reince priebus right up.

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<i>they blow the RNC</i>

did cnn say this on purpose?

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Ugh, this fucking state. Here in the western panhandle, unless you're black, "progressive" means you smoke weed and support Ron Paul.

And now the Florida Election Thieves™ want to have an Early Bird Special for primary voting. So that Florida can have enough influence in national politics, you know.

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Ah, the Honey Badger State.

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So the politicians in Florida actually think people WANT to be subjected to extra early campaigning and an intense bombardment of negative attack ads on tv? Go for it, you numbskulls.

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It's a bit like letting your 3-year-old have the first shot at the county fair ring-toss.

Let 'em go first, say "That's cute," and move on to the serious states.

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