LOL! You chose poorly!

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I'm a fellow divorced father. Unless you have disclaimed all parental rights, you have EVERY right to be on that contact and access list. You should have your lawyer contact the school directly without the ex-wife's involvement to have you included in her contacts, again, unless there's something in your divorce decree that prevents it.

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Because supporting young people while they work out how they are wired definitely precludes teaching to read and write.

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We have joint custody, but I'm disabled and too damn poor for lawyers. It's just one of the many petty things she does. It's completely alienated her daughters, both of whom are leaving her in the dust the second they can.

I'll get this sorted, one way or another. Kid has one more school year to get through, and she's determined to tough it out, if only so she can get to the point of graduation, pack her things, and tell her mother EXACTLY what she thinks of her.

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I know. But it was as far as I could make it, and it is a pretty place. When you can avoid the idiots, which, I've discovered, are everywhere in this country. So I'm intent on making it better than I found it. My town is pretty progressive, thanks to the presence of Tennessee Tech, and we're doing our best to make it more so.

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Really? That was the noteworthy thing about this article to you?

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Williston FL is the place where five years ago (2016) a Tesla was driving on autopilot (or whatever they call it) because the "human driver" was too busy with a video game, drove under a turning truck and the worst for car and driver happened.

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Don't ask, don't tell?

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I get it. I'm in WV. Just giving you a hard time.

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Somewhere in this thread are some comments about making bad choices of states to move to. I'm in Cleveland now, but I'm thinking of moving to a warmer climate. But most southern states are a no go for me because I don't want my taxes supporting their current political and/or social climates. Any suggestions? Or should I just stay here and wait for global warming to get to the Great Lakes?

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Republicans do everything they can to make me hate them, while I’m trying not to have hatred in my heart.

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About 30 years.

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Good for you.

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Maybe Peter Thiel can finance a lawsuit against schools that out a gay kid.

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I don't follow-don't most suburban women know and love a gay person or several? How's discrimination against that group a winning strategy to get women?

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