yeah and i call bullshit on a lot of this crap. i flew nearly 200,000 miles last year and - speaking as a chick with legs - i really REALLY didn't get raped by the x-ray machine. and i travelled with a funny looking microphone. in fact, i left an important bag w/ meaningful contents somewhere at ord b-concorse on monday and i come home on thursday to claim it intact with jewelry.

what i really think is baggers are an uneducated, incurious lot who have absolutely no idea what the world is like and seriously like to bitch.

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Are there airline worker unions? That's probably to blame for the lateness and luggage loss. They're on that, too.

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"I'll give you that cold, wet diaper when you pry the cash out of my hands"

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I am guessing that their corporate backers don't want competition in these areas.

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Again (and how many times must I say it?)......nothing about airport security is technically "involuntary." Stick involuntary up your ass and stay the hell home, Libertarians.

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Sounds to me as though those folks in Florida are completely off track. What about the <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/329716\/buy-your-ameros-today" target="_blank">Ameros and the NAFTA Superhighway</a>? Focus, people!

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that used to be my facebook picture but then i changed it to knitted daleks because i fucking hate facebook.

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<i>“The press reports are horrifying,” Paul said.</i>

Here's another from the Los Angeles Times: <blockquote>Terrorists struck at the preeminent symbols of America's wealth and might Tuesday, flying airliners in the the World Trade Center and the Pentagon killing and injuring thousands of people.</blockquote> I don't like flying. And I think it's stupid to screen for specific threats -- like shoes. I don't see how an aircraft attack can succeed. Passengers are too alert to the behavior of other passengers.

Here's an alternative for the libertarians: search-free airlines. Bring anything you want aboard. Being armed will keep you safe on the plane. Plus no one will kick your seat back.

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