With all them ringin' bells and the yelling at the Brits.

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As a normal, sentient human being I have a huge problem with the rampant gun fetishization that has developed in this country over the past three decades, but this is hardly the worst manifestation of that. The devil is in the details of course, but in general I don't have any objection with the use of firearms in a closed range with 1:1 supervision by experienced safety officers and with all of the other necessary and appropriate safety measures in place. Hey, I might even like to give that a try sometime, and I am someone who has never had an itch to own a gun in his life. The big problem here is permitting the use of automatic weapons, even with all of those safety measures in place, by minors as young as 13 years old. That's simply too young. I would set the minimum age at 18. I would also feel better about it if the guns were locked into fixed mounts and not held by the shooters. But things like this aren't where the biggest problems with our country's approach to firearms lie; they have much more to do with way too easy access to firearms, especially high capacity, high-powered firearms, by civilians out in the community and way too few restrictions on their use. Presumably the automatic weapons that are to be used at this range are the appropriately licensed property of the range and they never leave the premises. I don't think that it is legal anywhere for individual civilians to own such guns.

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Are they firing the Army standard-issue .50-cal, with its 6-kilometer-long surface danger zone? Sounds a bit risky with unskilled users.

"Ready on the right! Ready on the left! Ready on the firing—Hey kid, point that thing <i>down</i>range, willya?"

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Whatever happened to laser tag if you wanted to have sims like this?

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Is that George Zimmerman in the picture?

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No guest is ever left by themselves,” said Nierenberg, “No one ever shoots by themselves, and no guest is ever in control of the weapon without a range safety officer next to them"

See, this is the difference between me and a gun nut. When I see someone with a gun, I feel an urgent need to be elsewhere, and leave them by them-self. In a sane world, anyone with a gun would be very lonely.

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Actually, I love those things, but not enough to want to own one.

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<i>Machine Gun America offers live ammunition automatic weapons, including high-powered machine guns.</i>

Kinda like a cross between LEGOLAND and a jihad training camp.

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My husband's grandfather was an accountant for Hiram Walkers Distillery in Windsor. He used to go and collect payment from Detroit mobsters, accompanied by bodyguards. Good times.

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If I did have one, I'd just sit around and talk like Edward G Robinson all day, so it's good.

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Bah, kid's stuff! What you need is a <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/1.1%22\/75_caliber_gun" target="_blank">Chicago <b>Piano</b></a>. That's what all us cool doods in my neighborhood have on the roofs of our garages.

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It being Florida there's probably a state law limiting the liability of gun range operators, so probably pretty much anybody who's in the business of insuring ranges, hunt clubs, etc.

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Or "Flamethrower Friday".

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Kind of in the same way German Scheiße films romanticize sex.

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