Yes, good analysis. I was gobsmacked when I started meeting Baptists who said birth control is a sin. I grew up knowing that Catholics taught this (although more and more I was meeting Catholic women who used birth control) but at one time Protestants held themselves to be a little--morally superior?--because they believed in deciding the number of children they wanted and using birth control accordingly. There's hubris in that, of course, but I knew the ground had shifted when my office secretary asked me for a donation to support her pastor's family of 10 children, and I joked, "I'll buy him a box of condoms" and she was angered and informed me that God was displeased by birth control. That was 17 years ago, and it IS backlash against women's rights, and it's gotten worse. Playing a long game is right.
When I was an escort at the Feminist Womens Health Clinic young women would frequently come in with their toddlers AND with their boyfriends/husbands to babysit the toddlers while they had their abortions. They had made a sad but rational decision that they could not afford another child right then. I often wished I could make a little video of them playing with their kids and show it to the screeching protestors, with their dark imaginings of "what goes on in there."
I recalled that it was Todd Akin, the "legitimate rape" guy. When I looked it up to be sure, I came across this article:
Thank you, aileen. I wasn't daft enough to think I'd lost a baby, or needed a coffin for it. I knew that somewhere in what seemed like gallons of blood an embryo had stopped its cell division. But after a year of being stuck with needles I lost hope of having a child of my body, and that hurt a lot.
Too many seemingly innocuous laws ostensibly intended to protect pregnant people or born children have been used to punish bad (or merely potentially bad) pregnancy outcomes. I understand that there might be parents who would appreciate this, since I almost lost my daughter at 20-21 weeks, but I don't trust the legislators not to use it as a legal cudgel at some point.
A woman conceives. She takes care of herself, eats the right foods, goes to the doctor, squats, drops the baby out and then goes back to work a couple of days...
The baby is then the property of The Christian Church of America, Inc and the child is shipped off to a warehouse to be raised as a vassel of King Man Baby.https://lh3.googleuserconte...
There's also a certain set-aside quota for FauxNewsbabes. Those are put into a special pod, with special nutrients. The girls learn to love form-fitting sheath dresses and nylon hose and wearing make-up even to bed; they are all converted to blonde (it's cheaper to buy peroxide by the ton); the boys mostly learn how to read.
The reasons I grew up with two sisters and no brothers are (1) firstborn son died at ten and a half after a life-long struggle with cerebral palsy caused by a bad hospital (which altered its records), (2) a stillborn son (he was named and buried), and (3) a miscarriage.
All three were cause for great grief, and the first was also cause of huge medical bills that caused dad to sell his share of his business to his financial partner, who made millions from dad's inventions when he sold to Celanese.
Neither a "non-viable" birth certificate nor a death certificate would have ameliorated the parents' grief in any way. This is just wingnuts being wingnuts for ulterior motives, all of which are anti-woman, forced birth, anti-abortion bullshit.
Yes, good analysis. I was gobsmacked when I started meeting Baptists who said birth control is a sin. I grew up knowing that Catholics taught this (although more and more I was meeting Catholic women who used birth control) but at one time Protestants held themselves to be a little--morally superior?--because they believed in deciding the number of children they wanted and using birth control accordingly. There's hubris in that, of course, but I knew the ground had shifted when my office secretary asked me for a donation to support her pastor's family of 10 children, and I joked, "I'll buy him a box of condoms" and she was angered and informed me that God was displeased by birth control. That was 17 years ago, and it IS backlash against women's rights, and it's gotten worse. Playing a long game is right.
When I was an escort at the Feminist Womens Health Clinic young women would frequently come in with their toddlers AND with their boyfriends/husbands to babysit the toddlers while they had their abortions. They had made a sad but rational decision that they could not afford another child right then. I often wished I could make a little video of them playing with their kids and show it to the screeching protestors, with their dark imaginings of "what goes on in there."
Thank you, persistence.
I recalled that it was Todd Akin, the "legitimate rape" guy. When I looked it up to be sure, I came across this article:
Yup, still a Goober.
Thank you, aileen. I wasn't daft enough to think I'd lost a baby, or needed a coffin for it. I knew that somewhere in what seemed like gallons of blood an embryo had stopped its cell division. But after a year of being stuck with needles I lost hope of having a child of my body, and that hurt a lot.
Too many seemingly innocuous laws ostensibly intended to protect pregnant people or born children have been used to punish bad (or merely potentially bad) pregnancy outcomes. I understand that there might be parents who would appreciate this, since I almost lost my daughter at 20-21 weeks, but I don't trust the legislators not to use it as a legal cudgel at some point.
Since their is a space on the birth certificate to place a name; I choose the name "Rick Scott is a Fucking Asshole Smith."
A woman conceives. She takes care of herself, eats the right foods, goes to the doctor, squats, drops the baby out and then goes back to work a couple of days...
The baby is then the property of The Christian Church of America, Inc and the child is shipped off to a warehouse to be raised as a vassel of King Man Baby.https://lh3.googleuserconte...
Do you get to claim the "nonviable birth" as a dependent on your taxes? Do you need a death certificate? Asking for a friend.
There's also a certain set-aside quota for FauxNewsbabes. Those are put into a special pod, with special nutrients. The girls learn to love form-fitting sheath dresses and nylon hose and wearing make-up even to bed; they are all converted to blonde (it's cheaper to buy peroxide by the ton); the boys mostly learn how to read.
In some cases, yes. After 20 weeks, I believe.
The reasons I grew up with two sisters and no brothers are (1) firstborn son died at ten and a half after a life-long struggle with cerebral palsy caused by a bad hospital (which altered its records), (2) a stillborn son (he was named and buried), and (3) a miscarriage.
All three were cause for great grief, and the first was also cause of huge medical bills that caused dad to sell his share of his business to his financial partner, who made millions from dad's inventions when he sold to Celanese.
Neither a "non-viable" birth certificate nor a death certificate would have ameliorated the parents' grief in any way. This is just wingnuts being wingnuts for ulterior motives, all of which are anti-woman, forced birth, anti-abortion bullshit.
Will these certificates include the name of the father, if not why not? How much will they cost?
Honestly, as a woman it's getting more and more difficult to feel like you have ownership of your own body.
So the red snowflakes can have their macabre participation awards?
I remember all those Law and Order episodes where the judge says once you ring the bell, you can't unring it. Or is that only on teevee?