Yeah - one can claim anything on the Internet, even trolls like you.

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I've always been partial to Annoia, myself, as my kitchen drawers offer occasional proof of her intervention in the the material plane.

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These guys should love Sheriff Israel. His name has the country in it that they say is the most important place on Earth (next to the USA) because they're going to bring about the rapture and all the plot lines in the Left Behind series.

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Oh my god, you just "won the afternon", Dok!

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Add mine, please.

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Why, thank you.

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So I guess that homosexuals are an abomination thing is right out the window for Rosenthal.

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What if it's a white hood? That shit's just not going to fly.

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Thank you for referencing fish-throwing contest. I had a rather different mental picture when mullet tossing was first mentioned. It didn't involve fish.

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Yeah nothing makes someone more "extremist" than pledging an oath to law and order. It's pretty much the dictionary definition of the word.

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If you're DINKs, I believe Ted Cruz would like to have a word with you.

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So this and a bunch of other clips on YouTube if you don't want to spend OMFG $120! for a used copy of the series on disk at Amazon.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

I suggest Posh Nosh with all 8 episodes free on YT. No need to watch in order, so start with #8:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Also too, People Like Us. Start with this one for a taste:https://www.youtube.com/wat... The Airline Pilot Part 1Buy the series from about $20 up used on Amazon. You'll love it. The Airline Pilot gets better in Part 2. It's not me keeping it from you. It's the BBC.

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I'm 75, and try this:


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h removed from the front of each link before ttps... becuz Disqus seems to have a problem with multiple links. Add it back yourself.

So this and a bunch of other clips on YouTube if you don't want to spend OMFG $120! for a used copy of the series on disk at Amazon.ttps://www.youtube.com/watc...

I suggest Posh Nosh with all 8 episodes free on YT. No need to watch in order, so start with #8:ttps://www.youtube.com/watc...

Also too, People Like Us. Start with this one for a taste:ttps://www.youtube.com/watc... The Airline Pilot Part 1Buy the series from about $20 up used on Amazon. You'll love it. The Airline Pilot gets better in Part 2. It's not me keeping it from you. It's the BBC.

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Well Trump and Cruz flew somewhere on Delta, so that fufills the premise, right?

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I heard the late, terribly-missed Myron Cohen crack that very joke on the Ed Sullivan show, though his lead-up was that it was two nice Jewish ladies from Brooklyn.

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