<i>Teabaggers for Jeebus</i> declare a boycott of Loanstar in 3, 2, 1 ...

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And a can short of a six-pack. This is why he's opposed to laws that would deny guns to crazy people.

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<i>". . . roughly half of his shop’s income [is] derived from gun sales."</i>

Am I the only one who finds this a wee bit horrifying? And not just because of the highly responsible, disciplined demographic that frequents pawn shops.

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30/month is way too cheerful a number. It's <a href="http:\/\/www.cdc.gov\/nchs\/fastats\/suicide.htm" target="_blank">18,000 annually.</a>

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Not the Orlando-area gun store that now offers a teacher's discount, that's fer sure.

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Wingnuts, guntards, and Faux News are already bleating about the jerbs created by Remington's Connecticut factory.

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“publicity stunt to garner sales on the backs of dead kids”

Sales of what exactly? Guns had to have been the biggest money maker at the store. How will he make up the lost profits from not selling guns...increasing volume on last generation video consoles, used Squire Strats, and jewelry of questionable provenance?

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I wish this guy's shop was closer to where I live. I would go buy something from him.

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Same thing they used to say at the DDT refinery

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To be fair he’s still selling black velvet paintings and Truck Nutz so he’s still got that on his conscience.

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This example of Doing the Right Thing will no doubt enflame the consciences of gun manufacturers and they will see the True Path, renounce their former behavior, and start making ploughshares, whatever those are, instead of Bushmasters and Glocks.

Because, let's face it: manufacturing the damn things is a hundred times more reprehensible than reselling ones that already exist.

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<i>"publicity stunt to garner sales on the backs of dead kids”</i>

No reputable gun seller would try to garner sales from the Newtown tragedy would they?

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