Wasn't Mae West the latter?

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Yes, true heroes always fire guns at targets surrounded by improvised explosives. Nothing could <em>possibly</em> go wrong, after all.

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We just had a harmless nut, who would occasionally take a dump on the back stairs.

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Good thing it was a dorm, not a off campus apartment, so no pesky search warrants. Even better, he only offed himself. Yay Florida?! This all feels so strange

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I always finish that with 'motherfucker' now, thanks to Greg Giraldo.

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But, but, don't all students at public universities have the right to carry... Right up until the moment they start shooting randomly? Geez, get on the job, NRA, this is a travesty against the constitooshun!

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Dude, this was a GOOD outcome, by Florida standards, don't ruin it for them!

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UCF is known as U Can't Finish in O town, due to the size and difficulty in getting your classes. Used to be all commuter, now has dorms, frats, a spiffy new Bright House stadium for football. Not a terrible school, but for partying in the dong state, it is no FSU. Edit I realize you know this since you live there, as I once did. Duh l

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Just finished listening to the BBC report on Nixon. God, how the nation can be wrecked by petty ambition.

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I'm sure there's a job waiting for him in Arizona as a public school security guard.

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If Speedo Guy has a concealed weapon on him... well, I just don't want to know.

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"They have some standards"

Unlike Agnew...

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In fact, doesn't the "Oh shit there's a crazed shooty person" alarm initiate a lockdown, not an evacuation, and isn't that the exact opposite of what you want when the situation involves homemade explosives of unknown stability in the building?

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we'll need to see his long form death certificate...

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there's a small but significant difference between murder/suicide and suicide/murder

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The old caboose pistol. Everyone has one.

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