If a panel (i.e. not all) of appellate judges in a given Circuit (appellate court) issues a verdict, who picks the panel members? How does a panel’s authority get bumped into en banc (full court) review? I presume the en banc verdict governs. Thanks for any clarification. I haz been having this confuze for a while.

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On Voldemorts watch? I'm sure they did.

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I do not envy your uphill battle.I am SoCal boy and grew up with earthquakes and smog. The air got a lot better as did the politics but the fear of 'the big one' never really goes away.It's inevitable and overdue.

I used to live right on top of the San Andreas fault and had to sign a waiver when I bought my home.I still have family there and even my ex in laws that I still like but I had to exit that rat race.

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Oh yeah, thanks for not being mad at me.

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Ron DeSantis looks like a character actor who always plays dumdums.

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Solomanic wisdom! Or do I mean Solomaniac?

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Between the obnoxious security and the Trump stain, who'd want to live there?

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We can win elections and take back Congress and the presidency but the ONLY solution to the corruption of SCOTUS is to "pack the court" and pack we must, "It's the only way to be sure".

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I like you too much to be mad at you for stating a valid opinion.

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I loved living in California, it was so nice to fit in politically, in my own country. Politically, I fit in when we lived in Canada but, I never quite got used to the multiple-parties thing they have going on.

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I loved my home state too and still do but in my work, we spent a lot of time on the freeways and at some point you realize your life is wasting away in traffic.I moved to Colorado and life just relaxed and became what we sort of expect it to be.I visit San Diego to see my offspring and love it but the pace of life is so rushed and it really stands out after almost 30 years.

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Damn, that was probably the nicest/kindest thing anyone has said to me in quite a while.I won't ever forget your kindness and honesty and again, thank you. It's the seemingly small things that make the biggest differences.

You are very special, in any state ; )

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Thank you. It is so very hard to defend Florida, it is so corrupt in so many places, yet, I chose to live here because I love the warm weather, and have family here. (I am from Maine, originally.) My spouse is Canadian and he has a harder time with it than I do. We both know it shouldn't be that way and I vote and educate myself on all the local issues so I don't contribute to the corruption.

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