DA or judge for that matter. PG County, MD has one of those judges who believes in "tough love" for juvenile offenders, if by "tough love" you mean moving the goal posts when they're on the verge of completing the terms of their probation so that they never ever get out of it until they say screw it and do something worse.

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Complain to her boss . . . oh, right. Nevermind.

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I think this is the only way http://www.gifbin.com/bin/f...

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Are South Florida and Cracker crazy better or worse than each other? Or are they equally crazy crazinesses with different qualities or characteristics?

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Oh, cat food, is it? You think the prison system is made of money? You'll eat bricks and like it. And expensive placebos? Bricks, too.And stop using so many expensive bricks and make more bricks!

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That was quite excellent.

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I hate when that happens.

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Yup. And it's too much trouble to actually monitor someone who tried to run a woman over with his car. At least not before he gets a gun and shoots someone dead.

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You goddamn young whippersnapper! I've eaten more fucking bricks than you've ever seen. Friskies Surfin' and Turfin' makes the bricks go down better. Have a heart--heart worm, that is.

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She's trying to distract attention from her turkey neck. (As A Old and a girl, I get to neck shame.)

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The cops had left the scene 8 minutes before the murder. Eight. Fucking. Minutes.

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Wow. Nurse Ratched has a niece who went to Law School, apparently.

When they make a movie of the Zimmerman case I hope this woman is played by Sharon Stone or Glenn Close with her settings on Maximum Crazy, Maximum Evil.

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I think they're probably equally crazy. Because I grew up with South FL crazy I'm more comfortable with it. Racist, intolerant, people screaming at cashiers at the grocery store, lack of impulse control, that kind of thing.

Cracker crazy you start finding areas with a very Deliverancey vibe. And more Klan than your basic "I hate anyone that doesn't look like me."

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me: "hey, which way is the nearest big town?"local, drawing shotgun from truck: "back the way you came!"

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Dok, I think another cute critter picture needed to be placed at the bottom of article.Instead I'm going to drink some more when I get home...

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...a bunch of fucking morons!!! They love this system until it comes crashing down upon them or their relatives. Then it's "government overreach".

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