On the plus, republicans are finally admitting tobacco is bad for children. I'm old enough to remember when getting them to say that was harder than getting them to admit global warming is real.

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All smoking should be banned, abolished and eliminated so maybe the Florida Democrats ought to say, "Hey great start on the tobacco thing. Let's focus on eliminating smoking, seems like something you support".

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As a former smoker, all I can say is I never wish it was a thing when I was a kid.

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Oh for fucking fuck's sake, these fucking motherfuckers.

We have a high infant mortality rate in the US compared to other more civilized countries. Why? Is it the abortions? (https://www.healthsystemtra...

IT IS NOT THE GODDAMNED ABORTIONS!!! You could eliminate all abortions and it's not going to impact the INFANT MORTALITY RATE!

Then, what, pray tell, causes so many US babbies to die? Could it be the patriotism? Could it be COMMUNISM!?!?!?

OR MAYBE IT'S THE FUCKING SHITTY HEALTH CARE SYSTEM AND OH ALSO TOO THE POVERTY!!! Let's put a fucking monitor on that, hey Florida? Let's make sure every pregnant woman who wants her fetus to turn into a babby gets all the prenatal care they can eat, and that fresh babbies get appropriate health care and that everybody gets enough resources for, I dunno, food and shelter, especially if they've got a fresh babby and even if it's a not-so-fresh babby! How about that, HENGGGHHHH???????

Jaysus wept and why not, the motherfuckers.

Sorry for shouting. This one really got me.

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Any update on how much they are enjoying "watching it all burn"?? Or is it still our fault?

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Who do those hussies think they are making "choices" about their "lives"?

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The federal government should move all military out of these states, on the reasoning that troops can't get the health care they are entitled to.

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They have to stop running that other republican who now says he is a democrat against him Crist, Charlie Crist?

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Anna is my state rep. So proud.

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Not for nothing but studies have shown time and time again that when you outlaw abortions, infant mortality goes UP.There are people who have a damn good reason to end the pregnancy. Like...non viability of the fetus

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State law doesn't apply on a military base. The military has offered abortions for soldiers and dependent family members forever. I took a 19 year old friend to a military base for an abortion when Nixon was president.

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I remember that.

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GW Bush.

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Seems folks are ignoring history as usual ... https://medium.com/dose/wha...

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That's actually good to know. But also, given that not all services happen on-base but also out in the community, this would be a useful cudgel against the red states.

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What happened to the will of the people, FL?

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