Not much of a parabola either.

Obviously, the kids are studying quantum group theory, where 1 x 2 = 2 and 2 x 2 = 4 <i>on average</i>.

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LDS is a fallback from Satanism? The more you know...

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Or, they may be trolling the fuck out of the school board.

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Is that a graph of the normal distribution? That includes π which as we all know has a biblical value of 3.

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The secret is that the customer ALWAYS loses their safety deposit.

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But we don't know that it has been standardized. We don't know this is the usual Cartesian coordinate system. Maybe we are seeing the x' and y' axes. Or whomever drew the pic thought it looked cool. At least they didn't get all fancy with Euler's Identity or something.

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1. Chalkboards are different shades of black. 2. Apple on desk is a Granny Smith on desk 1 and a Macintosh on desk 2. 3. Witch girl is really Samantha in pic 1, but Serena in pic 2 4. Teacher's dress is cotton in pic 1, but a rayon polyblend in pic 2. 5. Clock is electric in pic 1, but battery operated in pic 2. 6. Classroom is on the first floor in pic 1, but on the second floor in pic 2.

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I'm pretty sure they don't actually discover anything other than that there is a hammer lying around which can be used to make the scary atheist nails go away.

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Looks like a bell curve to me.

She's teaching them how to gamble, obvs.

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those satanic temple folk are doing god's work.

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Fuck if I know. I went to school in Florida. Also too, English major so fuck if I know.

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Me, too! I remember going to the green stamps redemption place with my mom while she turned in all the little books and got small kitchen appliances and other stuff. Wow, I haven't thought about that in 40 years.

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11. In pic 1 the chalice contains blood of bat. In pic 2 the chalice contains Macallan 12.

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<i> but we are in the job of educating children</i>

Oh my. Linda is going to have some 'splainin' to do at the next White Trash Luncheon.

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Why doesn't God just disappear all of them Satanists? How come we have to do all the heavy lifting for Him?

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It's satanic math, not biblical math. And it's certainly not muslim algebra.

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