Precisely what the Oligarchs funding the GQP want.

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Didja notice that the school district's "Please Beg Us to Ban This Book" form is almost as bad as La Salina's responses?


This followed by an underlined space half as long as the question.

She had more space to identify OPrah Winprey as the author or publisher.

They might as well encourage nutballs to attack books and reading in general.

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A, B, C, D, E, F, GI am in the fucking eighth grade.

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As Doc correctly notes:

Have you met middle schoolers? They tend to react to anything they think is for little kids like it was Kyryptonite Jr.

We had three tracks of readers in my elementary school: the cardinals (early readers), the blue jays (kids just starting to read in first grade), and the robins (those who, for whatever reason never could get the knack of it.) Bear in mind, this was a long time ago. Nobody knew from learning disabilities or what to do about them and it is a wonder the robins weren't labeled the dodos.

I remember being shocked to discover that in sixth grade the hapless robins were handed excerpts from The House at Pooh Corner. I loved the Milne books when I was six but they were surely age-inappropriate for eleven and twelve year olds and must have added to their feelings of frustration and humiliation. (I didn't conduct a survey of this but you couldn't miss it.)

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You are not the first non-commenter to make this observation indeed

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Today, we are all Florida grade schoolers with a contraband copy of Amanda Gorman's poem recital.

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" *just* smart enough to operate the machines" -- George Carlin.

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"Isn't that *your* car?"

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Now imagine being a Boomer and first coming across who I still call "kindly Uncle Shel" as, instead of a writer, the instigator of "Freakin' At The Freakers' Ball".

That's me.

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Still more believable than the debt ceiling "negotiations".

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What the fruck? A single illiterate nutball objects to some very non-controversial children’s books and the school is compelled to take action? Things have gone completely off the rails.

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We all know how jazzed kids in grades six through eight are about learning their ABCs,

We are talking Florida.

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Florida's been taken hostage by some real dangerous stupid.

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Now hold on a sec'n there, a literate Black Woman wrote that poem. That's already three strikes against her.

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And another wrist is slapped. "Bad fascist! Bad boy! You get a time out."

That will show them. 🙄

Meanwhile, they shot Mussolini and hung him by his heels along with his whore. Isn't it nice to know that our society's treatment of evil racist monsters has improved!

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