Thanks. He's out of the same mold as my grandmother. If more Christians were like them - I probably still wouldn't believe, at this point in my life, but I also wouldn't have as much automatic disdain, either.

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"God has spoken on those issues."The sudden and easy answer to that being, "How do you know?"What tree was he sitting under when the thunder sounded and the lightning flashed and an angel came down from heaven and personally gave him the word?Maybe he'd say, "Didn't need to. It's in the Bible, which is the inerrant word of God."Uh huh. Well the inerrant word of God also says, consistently and throughout, from the first word of Genesis to the last word of Revelation, that the earth is flat and round like the top of a table, supported on four pillars, with the sky a thin solid dome above it and the stars being little glittery lights attached to the inner surface of that dome ... from which they will be shaken loose like leaves and fall down to earth, come Judgement Day.And the Bible is wrong.So that isn't much of an argument. Certainly not for adding extra misery to the lives of kids who have, through no fault of their own, a pretty tough row to how already.Or in shorter words,fuck him.

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This is the kind of "school" Deathsantis approved of, and will.gladly give state money to.

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I bet in "their" "bible" Jesus isn't a JEW, but rather is portrayed as a blue eyed, blonde hair, N European, Nazi Aryan ideal man.

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What we are all thinking: "fuck this shit".

So, my gf's sister and her hubby (who took his own life and left his unemployed wife to raise two teenage girls alone) raised their kids to be xtians, and the oldest just started attending a xtian college in SoCal, and they don't 'low no homosexshals at their school. Grama is horrified... and it's her money in the college fund making it possible. I will posit this: If you raise someone to judge and not LOVE thy neighbor, like an entire demographic, because of your "beliefs", or for any reason, how could you say you "LOVE" that child? Buh-cuz if ya don't love everyone, how can you love anyone? Tawk amongst yerselves..

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Right. And "hoe".

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I love that movie!

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Yes, the "Nordic Jesus" Far different from that nice Jewish boy who only wanted everyone to love, `help, and respect each other

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American "Christians" for the most part, have become completely removed from the teachings of Jesus Christ. Whether you are a believer or not, you must admit he had some pretty good ideas on how to construct a fair, impartial, benevolent and very civilized society. These creeps want NO part of that

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Sounds all too familiar

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barry looks like a child molester.

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Right. Thank you. 'Tis now adjusted.

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Lies are also, or were last time I checked in the Bible, quite serious sins. Donald J. is provably an all-time champ in that area. Given to particularly dangerous and destructive lies too.

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I consider that any person who ever voluntarily bonked Donald Trump was performing an act of bestiality - and showing terribly bad taste also - but it would still be their own personal business.

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"I have had it with that sky pilot. He's the worst surgeon in the outfit, and whenever a patient croaks on him, he says it's 'Gooood's will' - or someone else's fault. This time he blamed a kid who was stupid enough to believe him."- Trapper John, just after punching out Frank Burns in the movie M*A*S*H.

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So did Marx and Lenin.

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