If they give Christians EVERY Sunday to this guy, then Eid should be full on off of work without vacation time. High Holy Days for Jews as well as Shabbot (which we had where I grew up), maybe also other holidays as well - again, all with no vacation time touched? And why is Christmas a holiday for so many - maybe Christians should consider themselves already lucky.
I want a religion that demands three-day workweeks, and everyone else has to bend to that, because those other four days are for worship of my nap-God.
I am 100% for religious accommodation, but not when it impinges on other peoples' (including coworkers') rights. This is another version of "I won't give you a prescription", which is "I am right, you are wrong (based on my religion)." Choose a different job.
Hell, the federal government already pays time and eighth for Sunday differential if you are required to work weekends. Which is why this atheist has voluntarily worked on Sundays for the past thirty years. It ain't much but it adds up, and I can spend it on pentagram jewelry and free range babbies for roasting and such.
So terrible!! I watched the story on PBS. Just another story about who gets thrown in prison for not doing a crime and who walks free for crime after crime.
Cops found several people to testify that he had "confessed" to having killing Flynn to them, all of whom have since recanted. One of those people was Green's sister, who said she was told that if she didn't say what they wanted her to say, she'd never see her kids again.
Who is they? I can imagine that this refers back to the "Cops" who "found several people to testify", but that's not clear, and understanding it more clearly would be helpful.
Has anybody yet evaluated the probative evidentiary value of "we all look alike" as coming from an African-American (or AMOF anyone from the diaspora who happens to be caught up in the U.S. Injustice system at any given time) ...?
"All their hair-dos look alike to me."
If they give Christians EVERY Sunday to this guy, then Eid should be full on off of work without vacation time. High Holy Days for Jews as well as Shabbot (which we had where I grew up), maybe also other holidays as well - again, all with no vacation time touched? And why is Christmas a holiday for so many - maybe Christians should consider themselves already lucky.
I want a religion that demands three-day workweeks, and everyone else has to bend to that, because those other four days are for worship of my nap-God.
I am 100% for religious accommodation, but not when it impinges on other peoples' (including coworkers') rights. This is another version of "I won't give you a prescription", which is "I am right, you are wrong (based on my religion)." Choose a different job.
The John F. Kennedy Friendship Center?
Well the young lads aren't supposed to clean the urinal, so the girls get to play too.
I think that was because of the dirt floor.
What a great story! The Mondales seemed like a pretty cool family in my recollection.
Don't for get all the shootings!!
Hell, the federal government already pays time and eighth for Sunday differential if you are required to work weekends. Which is why this atheist has voluntarily worked on Sundays for the past thirty years. It ain't much but it adds up, and I can spend it on pentagram jewelry and free range babbies for roasting and such.
if they at least shot only republicans.... Not that I am condoning shootings.
So terrible!! I watched the story on PBS. Just another story about who gets thrown in prison for not doing a crime and who walks free for crime after crime.
Any ole n****r will do. They're all the same. That seems to be Florida's attitude.
You don't need to use any variation on the N-word -- even with pertinent vowels and consonants bleeped out -- to make your point
"Justice" is so much simpler when you only have to examine the skin color of the accused!
Love Carol Anderson!! I met her at a book event and she was amazing in person as well!
So, in
Cops found several people to testify that he had "confessed" to having killing Flynn to them, all of whom have since recanted. One of those people was Green's sister, who said she was told that if she didn't say what they wanted her to say, she'd never see her kids again.
Who is they? I can imagine that this refers back to the "Cops" who "found several people to testify", but that's not clear, and understanding it more clearly would be helpful.
Has anybody yet evaluated the probative evidentiary value of "we all look alike" as coming from an African-American (or AMOF anyone from the diaspora who happens to be caught up in the U.S. Injustice system at any given time) ...?