They need to put their own addresses on the damn warrants.


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They wouldn't have anyone to arrest ift that happened.


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Sorry, I can't relate; I haven't been "naked and still hot" for years now...

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I sometimes feel bad for prosecutors. When someone who should go to jail walks free, they invariably get the blame even though it is usually some cop who dropped the ball.

One that really pissed me off was a pretty serious offense (not murder, but a ton of property damage that basically destroyed a business) where my buddy got the warrantless search suppressed. The prosecutor told the cops twice -- once in writing -- that their little sting operation required a warrant. They ignored her. Then the Sheriff went on TV and promised to appeal and blamed the entire fiasco on her.

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Narcan (naloxone). Just saying, because I give out thousands of doses of it to drug users every year. If you need some, there's a program finder here: http://www.getnaloxonenow.o...

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Great. Judge Dredd for local law enforcement.

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You sure they're not the same guys?

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Wow, America is really over in its head - WTFAAAAAAACK...

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I outsmarted them...I took the door off my hinges weeks ago.

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Too late!

Some zombie eyed drug addicts would sooner die than get arrested.https://youtu.be/wwJzsK3D4-Y

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Middle class? Have you checked the prices of opioids lately? Getting into Moét champagne territory...https://m.goodrx.com/opioids

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Even calling Cannabis "marijuana" was racist.

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Apparently FLA cracked down on its "pill Mills" run by strippers. Heroin is much cheaper. Unfortunately the pain from withdrawal is much, much worse than the original pain it was prescribed to "treat".

IOW, prescribing pain pills does nothing to stop the source of the pain and in the long run, the pain is worse when you attempt to kick.

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Keeping them alive helps the economy. Think of all the shit that addicts steal that must be replaced. 😚

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You forgot "Summer".

Phoenix and Florida make absolutely zero sense in the summer.

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Sometimes terminal cancer patients live for years. Why on Earth would you want to live in a comatose state?

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