With sex crimes, the accuser's name is confidential but not the accused. Reveal both or neither.

I remember a story from a few years ago. Two teenage girls accused their male teacher of sexual misconduct of some kind. That was front page news, his name sullied for all. Later the girls recanted, saying they were mad about a grade or something. That was a couple paragraphs on page 7. And <i>still</i> the newspaper wouldn't publish their names.

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Plus, habeas corpus must be suspended to keep everything anonymous in the star chamber.

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President George W. Bush also said he didn't read newspapers and that “My people tell me what I need to know”. And we know how wonderful all of that turned out.

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No good can come out of her constituents learning stuff.

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We Florduhians trust our state attorneys to do the right thing, and not consume unnecessary media. Works out pretty well... except for the times it really doesn't.

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2 is twice as amendmenty as 1.

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I could say the same, except that I do have other sources for my news.

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The First Amendment was a mistake. It took until the Second for them to get things straight.

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I think Ms. Speak-no-evil is telling me I oughta sneak up on Ms. See-no-evil, and Ms. Hear-no-evil is saying she doesn't want to know about it.

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You know how when you're dead you don't know when you're dead. It's only hard on the others around you.

It's the same with being stupid.

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Nancy and Sluggo! HA HA HA. Those two were a laugh riot ... until he killed her. OH WAIT. That was Sid and Nancy.

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It used to be that name and town of residence were published, but not much else, before the trial. Once the trial was under way evidence presented in court could be published. Recently, there has been much more speculation before a trial starts.

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Expect Chief Justice Roberts to appoint Angela Corey to the FISA court tomorrow.

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Are these the legs of a murderess?

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