Please tell me you're not really that stupid.

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They never seem to get that allowing more guns means everyone else will be armed as a whole, or else they wan that to be the case.

But frankly, they are probably only thinking about themselves and dreading that Obama would come and take away all their guns.

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Against the gun humping conservatives?

Actually liberals just need to vote them out of power for good.

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And, who's going to fight increasing the proficiency requirements to get a concealed carry license? Who's going to admit they can't pass a tougher marksmanship test?

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Well, violent crime peaked in the early 90's and has been going down since. So there is nearly 30 years of data to show that while gun ownership has gone up, crime has decreased.

But I don't expect you to recognize that fact.

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The driver in the car was surrounded by a mob, jackass. How in the hell is that "looking to shoot a protestor?" If anyone was looking for trouble it was the clown carrying the AK.

FACT: AK guy approached the car with the gun at high ready.FACT: AK guy was also shouting at the guy in the car.FACT: Having a gun at high ready means you are ready to shoot.

But no, the guy with the handgun in its holster just driving along was looking for trouble. Are you always this stupid or do you have to practice in front of a mirror?

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Correlation does not equal causation. You are not controlling for cultural factors that are a serious influence on the lack of suicide in Japan.

Critical thinking is not for the weak minded.

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Thus the Wild West analogy is completely false. The Wild West was not, and modern times are not. In fact, violent crime peaked in the early 90s and has been in decline ever since. While gun ownership has skyrocketed.

Morons like Chicago's mayor blame all the guns on Indiana's looser gun laws. Yet a thinking person would realize that if Indiana's gun laws are so loose, why doesn't Indiana have a murder problem like Chicago? It doesn't. Hoosiers are not going to Chicago to shoot the place up, either. That is idiotic! Chicago is the problem itself and more laws are not going to fix it.

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I want to be super snarky, but I will take the high road and assume you're arguing in good faith here, not just trying to score hit and run points on a lib. So I'm curious where your numbers are from and what kinds of incidents are under the umbrella of "violent crime" (hitting someone with a baseball bat or stabbing with a knife isn't shooting someone with a gun) and whether those numbers are an average across the country - which has diverse gun control laws and populations - or if they're looking specifically at gun ownership and gun control laws to gun violence in specific areas.

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Real Americans buy a gun because it is right for them. They join other like-minded individuals and enjoy shooting, hunting, target practice, and just in case, for protection. Being proficient and just demonstrating that you have a gun is enough to drive some shady characters away. While we look at Portland and Seattle, Where Democratic governments refuse to allow the police to put down riots, I'm sorry, Peaceful Protests where 2 black teens died in CHOP city, then it should scare the Jell out of you that people like this not only want to deny police to protect you, but take away your right for your own protection. If gun violence scares you, taking away everybody elses guns isn't the answer. In fact, that's downright selfish and pig headed! Either quit watching the news, get ear plugs, or move out to the boonies where gun violence is less. Oh, there will still be hunters and shooters, but no one will be doing any drive-bys! BTW, you should allow people to see your full research sources and how they came to those conclusions.

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Many Americans cannot pass a citizenship test that legal immigrants must take. Should all those resting Americans be deported back to their native nations? Every gun owner I know is up on the latest rules and regulations.

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Yeah, Socialistic Totalitarianism is much better than you owning something to protect yourself.

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That's what Hugo Chavez said. That's what Stalin believed. That's what the Dixiecrats believed-for the blacks! The blacks could not be trusted around guns, so they weren't allowed to have them. Just 'Good Old Boys' like yourself!

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You and your paper-thin sanctimony can fuck right off. You are obvious.

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Thank you for proving my point.

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