<i>...have always identified [filtered word]-vaginal union as "sexual intercourse"... </i>

Is "filtered word" steam cleaner? <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/455230\/violent-birther-gun-nut-also-massive-fan-of-tranny-porn-dildos" target="_blank">Remote control pink dildo</a>? Tongue?

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My folks would rather dig out their eyes with dull spoons than vote for Harper. They're the good kind of oldz

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And yet retired Canadians (like my parents) flock there every year. Oh well, they're in the rich part, so they only have to deal with teh stupidz, not the actually dangerous bits (seriously, some of the stories, oh my...)

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i can haz reconstructive surgereez???

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<i>“I think this case represents the state basically putting an attack on Christians,” he added.</i>

Suuuure. Having to experience consequences to your wrong-doing is the exact same thing as the worst oppression possible.

I mean, I’m not saying you assholes are predictable but…

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If they allow Satanic Temple religious materials, they'll have to allow "tax cuts will balance the budget" religious materials. Then "more guns save lives" religious materials. Where does it end?

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I always thought Disney chose Florida for Disney World because of weather, location, malleable government. But apparently it's because Floridianites believe it's all real.

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OK Kitty. Show me where Ted Nugent scratched you.

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Look, Emperor, if the First Amendment says the government shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, that means any sincere and established religion can't have any laws made about it, <i>ipso facto, quid pro quod erat demosthenes, fait accompli</i>.

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I was going for <a href="http:\/\/www.lc.org\/index.cfm\?pid=14096" target="_blank">Mat Staver</a>, but same difference. (note: I was going to give the link to LC's "newsletter," but apparently they didn't renew their subscription to the e-publishing service and all it says is "click here for questions regarding your closed service.")

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What? No <i>amica curiae</i> from Sen. Boxer?

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<i>Now you can see how increased spending opportunities, mean harder work for everyone, and more of it, too! So, do yourself a favor, Joe. Join with millions of your friends and neighbors, and, TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES!</i>

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Freudinger's cat LIBEL!!

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In more ways than one.

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Being used in a con brings the number up to 102.

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