Ta, Robyn. Howard Dean's best idea was the 50-state strategy, which was used by Obama's campaign. Time to break that out. Healthcare is on the ballot in all 50 states. Vote as if your life depends on it -- it does.

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Okay, Florida Dems, are you fired up yet?

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I would totally see "Meth Gator" and "Cocaine Bear" as a double feature.

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Meth Gator x Cocaine Bear vs the Fentanyl Ferret.

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There are at least seven Florida high schools that have “Meth Gator” as their mascot.

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That's awesome!

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Tara Reid stars in.....

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I don't think Biden can win it, but Rick Scott is going down....

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Rick Scott, Josh Hawley, and Ted Cruz are three of the most repellent men to ever hold seats in the Senate. They have negative charisma. All three of them should be beatable.

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It will be hard, but I think that it is possible. Hammer the airwaves with "MAGA is coming for your reproductive rights and wants to cut/eliminate Social Security and Medicare" are themes that will resonate with a lot of Floridians.

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And Biden and Dems need to legalize Marijuana Nationally and get rid of the Banking restrictions- this system we have now is ridiculous. we should be CAMPAIGNING on this!

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dang......who's the Daddy?

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Talking Florida ... why I still love twitter.

A nice explanation why DeSantis looks crappy in a jacket suit with khakis, but Ralph Lauren looks awesome.


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Talking Florida ... why I still love twitter.

A nice explanation why DeSantis looks crappy in a jacket suit with khakis, but Ralph Lauren looks awesome.


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If Florida Democrats can find a way to hammer on this every day they will take over the state. If...

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I am speechless.

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OT: thanks, Wonkette, for moving the UPGRADE button. Even if it wasn't you, thanks.

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I have to say, the two guys on the right of that head image don't seem to be very happy to be there. Perhaps they've adopted the militant stance* instead of the festive stance* of some of the others there.

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM4okRvCg2g

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That would be brutal if Biden could beat Trump in his home state.

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Evan posted a tab to an NBC story that showed how many people who moved to Florida have now decided to GTFO. Not surprising.

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I have a friend from way back who is leaving her position at Yale to accept a position at a university I had never even heard of in backwater FL. She has two small children.

I cannot wrap my head around how this seems like a good career decision let alone anything good for her family. No judgment, but a lot of WTAF?!?!

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Did she have tenure? Yale is known for hiring a bunch of jr faculty and letting them fight it out for a single tenure slot.

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She did not and was not in tenure-track position. Her new position is endowed.

I still wouldn't have been able to do it myself, though I am not her and I am honestly not judging, just sort of afraid for her kids? She is an amazingly smart person and I know that she will be one of the good ones there fighting the good fight, but my husband and I have had the conversation of "if someone offered you $1M/yr to work in AL, would you?" We agreed that we would consider it and spend part of that money on flights for visits and a full-time person to help drive our kids places, but that we would NEVER move our kids there. Hard nope.

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I have a friend that received her PhD in History from Princeton and has essentially given up trying to work in academia as the kind of fuckery that Capitalism has brought to American businesses like WalMart has been adopted with unrestrained enthusiasm by university administrations coast to coast.

Your friend is most likely hoping to do a lateral move a couple of years on once she has a toe-hold in the tenure track. I feel for her.

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Yeah, not sure why anyone would go from Yale to a Florida college. The college department where my husband works has lost close to a third of their faculty in the last year or so, and they can't find qualified applicants to fill those positions. One of them was a German national who went back home because "this is looking too familiar."

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Whispers: *It's not a good FL college*. I literally had to Google it.

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I could see moving there if you want warm weather and (in most cases) more affordable housing.

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They had a very lovely colonial-style house in CT that she and her husband could more than afford. She is moving to a university in between Orlando and Daytona Beach.

No one needs warm weather THAT badly. A pool v. bodily autonomy and being able to "say gay"? I don't get it.

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A regular paycheck versus some horrible "Research" position where you have to raise enough money to cover your own health care and benefits?

Untenured positions can SUUUUUUCCCCKKKK

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I’ve been there in early May. The second week turned into oppressive humidity. This was the mid 1980’s.

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The Re-Jerseying

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In Paris last week, we were waiting to depart on a tour of Versailles when an older American woman started chatting with us. She mentioned she was from Florida, which obviously made me pause a bit, and then she said, “it’s great to be out of the hate state!” I said, “well I wasn’t going to say anything,” and she said, “don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for him.” So some of the olds are all right.

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I have the received idea that Europeans know you took the trouble to visit Europe, you’re no Trumper

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The fact that she was in France and not a Seminole County tractor pull may have been indicative...

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I was gonna say ... what MAGAt would ever visit Paris?

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Dear Penthouse Letters.....

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The conventional way of handling that issue is to say you’re from Toronto.

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I'm heartbroken for Florida. They don't deserve one day of an abortion ban, let alone eight months. Fuck these judges, these politicians, these #$^@!!& 😡

I'm glad Florida's will vote on abortion, but many are going to suffer while they wait until November.

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Their media is going to be flooded with the same stories we've seen in every other state. These assholes never realized how many problems a pregnancy can have, because the truly serious problems were handled quickly and routinely as nothing more than healthcare.

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OT. Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse.

"Behold, the Mind-Blowing Bubbles of Betelgeuse

• Giant bubbles erupting across this red supergiant star’s surface could solve a lingering astrophysical mystery


Way cool computer simulation of the bubbling cauldron that is Michael Keaton, uh, Betelgeuse:


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"How giant exploding space pustules are bad for Biden's re-election prospects"

NYT Pitchbot 2.0

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Someone on Newsmax is blaming "woke" for these bubbles as we speak

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I'm not here to pour cold water on any of this - I sincerely hope it works out for Florida that they both keep abortion AND kick a bunch of their troglodytes to the curb.

But I live in KY, which is perfectly capable of saying "we want abortion to be a right" AND voting straight-ticket GQP, largely because people are stupid, don't understand how Congress or statehouses work, don't see the relevance to their lives of who they vote for, don't believe that it's the GQP that's doing all the horrors, think Jeebus wants them to, vote for the guy who hates the same people they do, and don't pay a lick of attention to anything remotely involved in politics, making them spiritual and intellectual twins of dogs who learn to paw a button to release a piece of food.

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But at least the dogs get the food.

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