So if he thinks people should just make up their own minds about medical issues based on information they gleaned from Facebook posts, what exactly does he think his job will be?

BTW-I think you spelled "Lapdog" wrong...

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Did you come here to pick fight? I'm not playing but thanks for trying.

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Some day, historians will look back on this nonsense, and-- you know what? They'll say, "Man. I just don't get this bullshit. Why were these idiots refusing a safe, effective vaccine to a deadly pandemic?" And it will be such a bummer that we will all be considered fucking idiots, refusing a safe, effective vaccine.for a deadly pandemic.

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More like America's "Buntline" Doctors, ya know what I mean?

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Don't get confused and try to eat that thing!

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This dude has a one track mind and already has a history of saying and thinking stupid shit.

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It’s weird that some people act like we don’t mandate things ALL THE TIME “Don’t rob banks! Don’t kill people! What about my freedom!”

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looksa around - wait, i shouldn't be on a cruise ship? jumps overboard and starts swimming

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One of the heads of the conference currently has COVID.

Will he recover in time to attend?

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What kinda Demon are you that you LIE and don't give FuKKK that other People Die because of your Lies?

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Not all of us. Historians will see evidence of this.

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What I have been told is that for a doctor to have his medical license suspended there have to be formal complaints made. Apparently officials can't just see a doctor saying and doing stupid things on tv or read about it in order to do something. Does not seem effective but hey, American exceptionalism, right?

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Truth is seldom a priority for conservative appointees. Toe the party line, push the narrative to the right and never admit anything that democrats regard as important. This clown is supposed to be a surgeon general of a large U.S. state, and he won’t utter publicly that vaccines save lives and are vital to the public health? That should disqualify any candidate.

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I have somehow made it through the pandemic without actually croaking,

Thank you again, Florida Republican Party, for putting this nutcase in charge of public health.

And thank you, The New York Times, all the shit that's fit to eat, for embracing Ron DeSantis

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We won't survive as a species to leave a record for historians.

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