Time for the SMDH emoji.

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It's been a long time since I was in grade school but I still remember the discomfort I felt when Critical Addition Theory invaded the curriculum.

It only got worse when they tortured me with a 9-11 thing called Al Gebra.

Do something, Gov. Ron.

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You can even discuss slavery as long as you say how appreciative the enslaved people were to their enslavers.

I have heard variations on this. People are much more backwards than you might think.

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MLK knew what was what about them, but you can scream how crazy this shit is to those 'moderates' and they'll still sit on their hands or actively shiv you in the back in the voting booth while they gasp at your 'shrillness'.

Professor Carole Anderson, author of White Rage, compared those what I call Vichy Democrats /Vichy Progressives to Neville Chamberlain the other evening.

I'd say that's dead on.


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Do cops shooting someone suspected of “driving while black” count as "discomfort … on account of his or her race”?

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I grew up in northern Michigan, where the very first black family moved into town in 1977, the year I entered high school. (Their kids were younger, so I never met them.) The only minorities in the area were the small band of Indians who lived in their own community and self-isolated, and the Mexican cherry pickers who arrived for a couple of weeks in summer and only came into town for groceries. The whole turmoil about black people being oppressed and discriminated against made no sense to me or my classmates, and it was a weird concept for teachers to try to explain. We supported the civil rights movement in a rather abstract way, mostly because we couldn't see any sense in not doing so. Long ago, and far away . . .

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"We brought them to the one true religion of Christianity, they should be grateful because otherwise they would have spent eternity in Hell!" That was a very popular justification of slavery.

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Well, stronger, not sure about better. I always liked being able to pass a pipe around a few times, or share a joint with friends. Being blotto after just two hits isn't as much fun, for me anyway. YMMV

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Ah, and my major was Biochem, so that was fine, but holy crap, I couldn't move those darn electrons around to save my life! I did pass Orgo, with a BC (B-/C+, my college had weird grades), and I cried tears of joy that it was over.

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Yes, that was my point. It was nonsensical and propaganda sounding to me.

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So weird that a supporter of white male identity politics would dislike this. Bless your delusion heart.

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Ah! This explains your relentless racist support of the Old White Racist Dude.

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Jimmy Carter? The last decent human being to sit in the White House? Never thought of him as a racist, even though he did grow up in Georgia so i suppose it's possible although there's no evidence that he ever acted on it (that I know of, anyway).

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I'm finding it rather more complex as well as stronger. I got some 32% bud last year that was strictly too strong, but THIS year I obtained some 34% bud that is strong, but quite nuanced. A lot depends on the CBD levels and the bouquet of terpenes and whatnot. I would not offer it to an inexperienced user, like I was offered 'Michoacan' in the early seventies. It was a little overwhelming....but it remains the benchmark against which I measure cannabis.

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Like "big government." Mighty tired of that one. Like they know how big the government is, or how big it should be. It's just "Truth by assertion"-- they don't get tired, and they don't shut up, and they feel real good about themselves, whatever the arcane subject. Because, who needs knowledge?

They should stick to, "Don't give my money to Blacks!"

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