Along with the Fed, health care reform, taxes, the TSA, Mexicans and secular governance, everyone can now add "harmless, adorable manatees" to the list of things Tea Party Patriots would like to kill.
"If some of these environmental movements had been around in the days of the dinosaurs, we'd be living in Jurassic Park now."
If this were true than the dinos would have died of heart trouble from eating these folks for lunch.
Edit: I just made myself laugh by thinking of a dinosaur version of Supersize Me!
The Bible says man has dominion over the animals or something like that.
If these folks really believe the government has no legitimate role in preventing animal cruelty (including death by destruction of habitat), they won't object to puppy fighting for profit.
"Mattos said she enjoys showing off the manatees to her grandchildren, but she had little use for the Save the Manatee Club, explaining, "If some of these environmental movements had been around in the days of the dinosaurs, we'd be living in Jurassic Park now." "
Motorboating? Who brought Meghan McCanns into this?
Humpty -back camels and chimpanzees! Don't forget the hand gestures!
"If some of these environmental movements had been around in the days of the dinosaurs, we'd be living in Jurassic Park now."
If this were true than the dinos would have died of heart trouble from eating these folks for lunch.
Edit: I just made myself laugh by thinking of a dinosaur version of Supersize Me!
It's always some kind of plot with these people. Obama wasn't born here. Iraq was behind 9/11. The U.N. is making us into livestock.
Why don't they believe there's a government plan to keep them alive though health insurance reforms?
The Florida recipe is mostly ass-lard, plus scooter parts.
The Bible says man has dominion over the animals or something like that.
If these folks really believe the government has no legitimate role in preventing animal cruelty (including death by destruction of habitat), they won't object to puppy fighting for profit.
<i>We cannot elevate nature above people....</i>
Teabaggers. Give &#039;em a brain and they start thinkin&#039; they&#039;re competing with nature.
You have acquired the ability to see the <i>invisible</i> parts of the the Constitution. You are becoming a Tea Partier.
<i>impose world government&rsquo;s rules on every aspect of American lives</i>
this should be an improvement really.
are the baggers the last horrific gasp of the baby boomers? in some weird old fat wingnut way?
they certainly have the &#039;my way / my generation&#039; crap down pat.
<i>Humans into livestock!</i>
And not very good livestock, at that. Unless there suddenly becomes an open market for 400 lb Hoveround-bound lumps of wingnut suet.
And yet, that would be preferable to listen to any more of this bible thumping Teabugger crap.
&quot;Mattos said she enjoys showing off the manatees to her grandchildren, but she had little use for the Save the Manatee Club, explaining, &quot;If some of these environmental movements had been around in the days of the dinosaurs, we&#039;d be living in Jurassic Park now.&quot; &quot;
Can&#039;t argue with that kind of logic.