Paper ballots. I am VERY glad we're still old-fashioned that way.

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'Daddy, why do they call this "Russian dressing?"''I don't know, daughter, the answer is lost in the mists of time.'

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I wonder how many Maria Butinas haven’t been caught yet?

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If I were told that some county somewhere was using punch cards I wouldn't be at ALL surprised.

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At this point they might as well hang 'Yes, I am in bed with the Russians' signs around their necks.

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You could certainly do more than add/delete, depending on how the records are organized. Even within a county registrar you could change which district polling place they report to so they show up at the one assigned to their address and they're told they have to go across town.

That hasn't happened anywhere recently has it?

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Provisional ballots are only counted if the race is close, right? So if you kick off enough Democrats that it isn't even close -- problem solved.

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I'm sure it'll be a company owned by Rick Scott.

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If you delete voters, they have a legal right to vote a provisional ballot. Precinct judges will immediately notice if there are an unusual number of provisionals, plus voters will be pissed about the inconvenience.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

And why worry about putting the cart before the horse when you can just close the barn door after the animals have escaped? Checkmate, libtards! /s

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Way cool!

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It's not 'Russians' it's the pigswill concoction of organised criminals, religious fundie kooks and stone cold grifting machines that make up the so-called Russian government, topped off by that castoff FSB slaphead cherry, Vlad Draino.

We already know how to punish them. You take their money, restrict access to their grifting grounds, freeze their movement and wait for their underlings to eat them alive.

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Ahem. That’s Space Vice President Pence.

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Why do her eyeballs follow two different orbits?

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And the main goal of course is simply to create the kind of uncertainty that we are discussing right now. That’s the speciality that the Russians have developed. That uncertainty and chaos about who and what to believe is even more damaging than skewing the result.

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Haxors? Like that better? Haaxors?

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Cletus. Orc libels.

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