I guarantee that the percentage who would support terrorism to advance their aims is even higher.

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gee dok. I just learned more about local politics from you than I ever would from our local bird cage liner. I've been in the hospital four days now and the times union is delivered daily For Free. I pick it up with the blue nitrile gloves used by the staff, and deposit it in the waste can. I had no clue we had some kind of furriner leading the school board. I would have guessed it was just one of the illiterate perennial bible waving assholes from the 1st baptist jeebus indoctrination center. I avoid local politics because the same dozen or so rich men and their inbred offspring have been running the city my whole life. votes don't seem to be the remedy for change here in the bold new city. commenting rules for radicals won't allow the mention of the sure fire methods to bring about necessary change and even I will admit the best method would make the place uninhabitable for several thousand years. my lunch just arrived so it's time to say good bye from the rectum of georgia.

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Ever notice how they seem to think their god, while omnipotent and omniscient, is also a bit... slow?

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Twilight Sparkle vs The Great and Powerful Trixie also too.

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Hy00man heaven sounds dull. If you get to doggie heaven before I do can you put in a good word for me?

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Hmm. That would be an explanation for why, in 'A Clockwork Orange,' Alex uses Bog rather than God - nadsat is supposed to be heavily influenced by Eastern European languages as well as Russian.Who says nasty vile snark mobs aren't also educational?

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Now I wanna see if it's possible to mount an M2 to the handlebars of a Rascal.

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Some are at least as well-armed.

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Talking about the resurrection "on a factual basis" already has some significant assumptions* built in.

*Yeah, I know. Go for it.

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Fucks Gnus is careful to tell them what they want to hear - because it's hard, even for smart people, to question anything when it's wrapped in candy like that.

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Well, you can talk about the fact that a resurrection story exists, and that some people take it to be literally true while others do not. You can talk about the fact that the resurrection story has influenced a lot of our culture's art, literature, and music. You can talk about the fact that older resurrection stories featuring other mythological figures also exist, and appear to have influenced the Jesus story. These things are all facts and fine to discuss in school.

Starting with the assumption that the resurrection story itself is a factual story is hopefully not something that happens in school.

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Just wait until they get a new diaper on.

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Then he whacked off and took a nap.

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I'd be surprised if anyone demanding the books be removed actually read the books themselves. They're kids books right? With pictures and crap like that?

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Would you know my name

If I saw you in [doggie] heaven?

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