No don't feed the cray-cray. That's why I stay away from my SIL.

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Actually, South Georgia has an Island of Blue, Albany. North Florida has become it's own beast.

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Can we pay Florida to drink gasoline and light itself on fire?

Kickstarter here we come!

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I'd love to...he and I aren't actually FB friends for obvious reasons, but that gem I posted above was on the page of a cousin we have in common (who is extremely liberal and rather tartly asked which "they" he is referring to). She had posted the side by side numbers of deaths due to gun violence vs terrorism in the last 10 years. He flipped out that 9/11 wasn't included because apparently he doesn't do math good.

I just flat out called him paranoid in my reply. I usually don't get involved in FB drama but with all of this nonsense surrounding the GOP campaign I've made the conscious decision to not let stuff like this slide when I see it now, family or not. Eff him and his racism.

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It's true. I know nothing said to this man will ever break through the crazy. There's too much stupid in the way.

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The South was so much cooler when people did lynchings because it was their passion, now it's all about the money.

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Do these people pelts need to be exclusively Floridian? I mean, are Disney tourists worth anything?

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Boy i bet these people sponsoring this must be REALLY MAD that Shonda Rhimes has claimed the title, "How to Get Away With Murder."

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As long as you're not talking about anything as foolish as the irreputable harm guns cause in our society. Because THAT would be "politicizing a tragedy" in an insensitive manner.

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how many other wrongful prosecution cases regarding oh drug possession deserve the victim receiving $200k from the state of their troubles? Why only gun-shooters? Oh right. Because the Far Right are all about protecting their golden calf the ALMIGHTY GUN.

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we're just gonna start up a scoring system like Death Race 2000 in the Sunshine State...

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the problem with that is these laws - the Stand Your Ground and now this bounty law - switch the rules so that the prosecution CAN'T prove the negative: the "self-defense" resides entirely in the shooter's mind, which can't get cross-examined in the courtroom, and can negate every physical evidence on hand.As a result, a guy walking down the street can just pull out his gun and shoot some teenager for no sane reason at all, and claim "self-defense" by arguing "I feared for my safety because that kid was wearing a hoodie", and THEN the state would let him go and hand over $200 thousand.Say hello to Bounty-Land if that law ever passes and worse if it ever survives the courts.

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the NRA will scream "undue burden" that will "infringe" on their rights to shoot anybody they want.

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Boy nothing says "responsible gun owner" like trying to get out of that responsibility, eh?

But what do I know? I guess as long as you're willing to shoot someone you're "responsible" enough.

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I am never leaving the west coast.

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What's the point unless you also wear a kevlar helmet and face mask with no holes for seeing, breathing or hearing?

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