Yeah, they had a big tribute show for him in Toronto with the rest of the band and a bunch of Canadian rock stars. I hear it was quite an awesome show.

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I feel like I just got to the party and everybody's passed out.

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That's it. He's getting a You're-Fired from Herr Drumpfenfuhrer.

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Chris Christie sighting?

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Sane, compassionate, fully-functioning human beings don't need the cookie.

For the rest: pop a mallomar in their mouths every time they pet the doggie.

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Exactly that. Empathy and compassion are not accessories to wear-or not-depending on the season, but the minimum entry level standards for the human family.

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If Florida were to lose it's tourism industry for a decade or two over the fact that they keep electing GOP asshats I wouldn't shed a tear over it. Florida Man as a species hasn't shown itself to be very good at self-preservation and maybe should feel a little economic pressure resulting directly from their voting habits.

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That's up to the primary voters. Right now I just see him sucking up a lot of media oxygen that could go to the people who have actually declared.

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just a tiny little shroom

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Florida is going to be one of the states most impacted by that which shall not be named. I'm guessing this guy got a call from the insurance companies, real estate agents, and developers and he actually listened to them over the extraction industry assholes.

But, whatever reason, it's cool that a Republican is kinda, sorta, maybe starting to take this shit seriously. Now if he could just convince the assholes from his party in the House and Senate and make a picture book for the President with Mar-a-Lago under water...

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I imagine that part of this is the impact the red tides cause to tourism, as will regularly flooded streets in places like Miami. The tourism industry is even bigger than the sugar industry. Going to the beach and seeing signs the water is unsafe to even wade in, and seafood is unsafe to consume, will definitely cut tourism. A few years of that and Florida will lose billions of dollars. Especially when the unregulated pollution from sugar production has relatively cheap solutions, like not over fertilizing, and returning the natural water flow to the Everglades.

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Given that tourism is BIG BIG business in Floriduh, maybe he's just being a sensible Republican.

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Whatever games they play to justify it, every step is a crack in the dam of Republican resistance to environmental action.

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Not just this but they shutdown the local seafood industry for weeks whenever they happen.

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"The last temptation is the greatest treason: to do the right deed for the wrong reason."-T.S. Eliot

But I'll take it!!

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